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How to get a new girlfriend? - Bobby - 11-09-2012 09:04 AM

I'm turning 19 on September 30th, and I am looking for a new girlfriend. My old girlfriend, she dragged me through the dirt, and caused a whole mess. Left me behind to suffer, and now I have a court case because of what she did and how she left me. I feel betrayed, and hurt by her more than anyone, and I've never felt so alone in my life before. I miss the romance we used to share, I miss the love that we had between us, and I find it hard to believe that she left me the way she did. I can picture her going out with some other man, and it's driving me crazy!
But I know that would be best, given the situation I'm in. I have tried to call her, but she never answers her phone, and she's never on facebook anymore. I feel very sad and wish things hadn't ended the way they did, but now I'm in a giant hole, and I don't know how to find my way out. Now my only friend is the radio that I turn on, and the rock and roll station I would always listen to during the cold winter months, and the cigarettes I would smoke while I was buried three feet in the snow, listening to the radio.
Although I hate to go back to that, I do love those winter time memories. It would be freezing below zero, and I would come outside to my dwelling underneath the deck of our backyard, and smoke cigarette after cigarette, while listening to Mr. Mehoff speak to me about new rock and roll coming out on the radio. I would sit there with a tall class of coffee, and a playboy magazine, and just nod while I listened to Mehoff take me away on rock and roll journeys. Sure I was lonely, but at least I was happy. In a way, the kind of relationship I have with music (especially rock) is romantic, in that I have been an avid listener of the genre since the tender age of five. It seems to be the one thing that takes my mind away from the current situation, and stops my heart from bleeding mourning tears.
I've had breakups with my first love before, but something inside me says that this is the last time, and that this break up was an unspoken one. There was no need to say anything to anyone to be sure of the breakup, that's just the way it was meant to be. I'm having a considerably hard time trying to move on, but one thing is certain-I'm happy being alone, because when you're with someone, things get more complicated.
I just checked my facebook for her, and she's no longer on the list. I suppose she wants nothing more to do with me, but somehow it feels like I've lost the most important person in my life. I would try to get her back if I wasn't so pissed at her, but what's the point? We would just break up all over again for the seventh f*cking time! I've tried dating sites, but all I get are women that want me to pay them money just so I can take them on a date. That kind of sucks. I've never felt so alone in all of my life.
I enjoy the simple things in life, like long walks and smoking cigarettes. I love hip hop, rap, rock, heavy metal, and reggae. But rock is my best friend. I'm a very deep person and I like to have very intellectually deep conversations with other people. Sometimes I think I don't really fit into my age group very well, because I'm more formal and and socially advanced then most people my age.

- Ms. Kristen - 11-09-2012 09:13 AM

That's one hell of a story. You should try and move on, you don't want to be with someone who doesn't love you back. And go out, meet new people and try to make the best of everything Smile The pain will go away, eventually. best of luck Smile

- Henry Ramos - 11-09-2012 09:13 AM

Exactly my thoughts, Music Is A form Of Therapy .. Really alleviates the mind .

Since your a music fan , thought i share a song from my youtube channel , you never know sometimes what one likes to hear someone else will simply enjoy as well ...

if you enjoy here's my youtube channel and maybe you'll find more songs to ease the pain ..
My Channel -

- EnVee - 11-09-2012 09:13 AM

First you need to learn to appreciate yourself before you can expect anyone else to appreciate you. It sounds like your past relationship was extremely co-dependant, which lead to suffering on both parts. You need to learn to love yourself and become an independant person before you can expect someone else to love you. People often look for other people to love them because they are lacking in self-respect and confidence. Build on these things first before trying to find a mate who will give you those feelings. Try to find someone with the same interests as you, it seems hard but there's so many places to look. The internet, school, work and just daily life provide you with the opportunity to meet some one you like.