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i need advice about a guy and a highschool party :/ im 15? - Printable Version

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i need advice about a guy and a highschool party :/ im 15? - Nicole - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

two days ago, my friend was having a party and i lied to my parents so i could go cuz ive never been to a party before... they thought i was going to see paranormal activity 4 and staying over at her house. for most of the party i hung out in the kitchen with this guy, (im in grade 10 and hes in grade 11) but i barely remember anything. according to everyone else i got wheeled. we apparently slow danced, kissed 4 times, he asked me out, etc. its weird cuz he was my first kiss. he made me wear his hat and glasses, he was commenting and playing with my necklace, he kept fixing my hair, if i fell he would help me up, he was even taking pictures of me and made one of them his profile picture on facebook. the next morning he was texting/spamming me at 7 in the morning. im confused because i dont remember any of that happening, all i remember was him trying to take my palm bay. and from what i heard he seems like an ok guy, but my friend was saying he uses girls, and my other friend says hes ok. i dont know what to think of any of this. we wants to see me at school tomorrow so he could "refresh my memory and start from square 1" and he apparently "hopes we work out" ... but my other friend later said that he was trying to go after her now. i might be wrong but i feel like im being played. and to top it off, my dad randomly went through my texts, emails, facebook, pictures, etc and started violently asking me who he was and why his arm was around me in his profile picture (hes really protective of me) i need advice of what to do cuz i have no idea, and my friends are no help.

- ¤ Î$ Lïfé ¤ - 11-09-2012 09:15 AM

Just convince him and be straight forward .