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Why dont i ever get a date?.? - Printable Version

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Why dont i ever get a date?.? - Pawan - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

I am just wondering,why i am soo unsuccesful with women?Never been on a date.
Is it because of the way i look?.I am generally very very shy so i have very little female friends but they do find me extremly funny Smile
For picture refrences Smile
Hahah arranged marriages ftw
and i am shy because if i just go up to them and start talking , their first reaction would be
WHATTA creep. For photos.

- Kristof - 11-09-2012 09:15 AM

And why is it you're so shy? I see no reason to be, you're funny and you're not ugly. Try to be more self-sure and get into contact with girls more! It'll come sooner than you think Wink

- relievedscene367 - 11-09-2012 09:15 AM

Well you look fine and I think the same thing as well. Are you Indian by any chance? If so, this may be the problem. Girls in the U.S. are prejudiced to dating other guys out of their ethnic/racial background due to stereotypes Indians have.

I have had a few shots my freshman year of college (nearly dated an egyptian gal, 4 white gals, 2 Indian gals) but four years later, I have nothing. Keep your head up high and if all does not go well, least we get arranged marriages right? Or if not arranged, your parents could always hook you up and then you could make a date session out of it.

Edit: I know right? I feel the same way because ethnically, we are just so different from what is considered the "mainstream anglo-saxon protestant american male". The best I could do is look good enough to where girls go out of their way to talk to you and that is when you make the move. It's best to stay in liberal areas though. Conservatives areas do not work too well. I'm having a hard time in Kentucky.

- Mallorey - 11-09-2012 09:15 AM

... You could always ask out your female friends.
I can't check the pic because I'm on my phone but I doubt it has much to do with looks and moreso to do with your shyness. I'm not saying be loud, but be proud. I'm sure that if you talk to more girls you'll find yourself more comfortable around them. Even girls you would never date like a sister or cousin. Just to be more comfortable is the key.

- Dakota - 11-09-2012 09:15 AM

sorry the pic isnt workiing....