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Does my dad hate me?????? - Printable Version

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Does my dad hate me?????? - Lux - 11-09-2012 09:08 AM

I'm a 16 year old girl and my parents' only daughter. I have 4 brothers who can do almost whatever they please. But my dad NEVER lets me go out with my friends and I'm not allowed to have a phone. While my brothers (even the younger ones) are allowed to do all of those things.
I'm only allowed to go out with my mom. (School and the gym are the only exceptions) I'm not allowed to talk to boys. I'm not allowed to go on instant messenger. I'm not allowed to have a twitter or a facebook (he doesn't know about this account.) This is stopping me from having friends because all the kids my age go out together and text each other and I'm just sitting at home with my parents all day. I tried talking to my parents about this several times but there's no point.
I feel so depressed and I started self-harming and stopped eating properly about a year ago. I have no friends and nobody likes me and it makes me so self-concious and it's basically ruining my life.
My dad's also really rich and he tries to make up for this by buying me (really) expensive stuff. Last month I got a Rolex watch ($60,000) and $180,000 worth of jewelry from Cartier. So whenever I think about all the stuff he gets me I feel kind of bad for hating on him for ruining my social life.
I don't know what to do anymore. I thought about running away but I can't take that risk because I would probably get caught.

- Willow - 11-09-2012 09:16 AM

Because you are his daughter, his only daughter and he is trying to protect you from everything, anything, and I am guessing most males. Maybe you need to have a conversation with him and your mother about taking some small steps and letting you go out for a few hours at a time to start. If he sees you are being responsible maybe things will get better. Lots of crazy's in this world, sounds like he feels safer not letting you out but will buy you things to keep you somewhat happy. Have a conversation and see how it goes.

- Kel - 11-09-2012 09:16 AM

Your dad is just trying to protect you. You're his only lil girl and in his eyes your prob always will be. U need to tell him what you've told us here so he understands how his over-protection is making you feel.

- RockerChick - 11-09-2012 09:16 AM

It sounds like your parents really love and care about you, (even though they are driving you nuts) but they are super protective because you are their only girl. It sucks, and it's tough to endure but that's how they will be. You can't change it. What about suggesting to them if you can invite friends over to the house? Start with just girls first, and then ease into if you can have a boy and girl party... just to play board games. (even if you don't) Let him know that it will be a small group like 4 or 5 people or even smaller (depending on how comfortable you are asking) But ease into it. And if he says no, just say ok. And walk away. You don't want to fight with him, it will only make him mad. Wait a couple of days bring it up again maybe then you can ask for less people. Let him know that you're only going to be in the living room, and he can be there. (i know its annoying but sometimes inviting him he may see that you're ok and he can walk away, or suggest your mom can be there). Other than that I would suggest getting a book at the book store on over protective parents.

- Jennifer Emuka - 11-09-2012 09:16 AM

i agree with willow