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Does this guy truly love his girlfriend? - Printable Version

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Does this guy truly love his girlfriend? - Mathgirlforever22 - 11-09-2012 09:09 AM

This guy has been a total player since he and his girlfriend broke up. He has a new girlfriend that he said he would never date before, but now he's dating her, and he says that he loves her, but his friends say he's using her for a bj. He tried to like her before, but whenever he saw his ex he'd either say, "she's so much better than you", or "I don't like her, I don't like her" over and over trying to get her to hug him. But now they're dating. Sometimes he treats her really well, other times he's an a**hole to her. Most of his friends think he's using her, but he does post pictures of them skyping with "kissy" faces, and he did give her this bracelet he used to wear. Before he'd only talk to her when things were bad with his ex. He does know that his exes friends show her his Facebook too. He also told her a week before they started dating that he'd only talk to her if he could "get some". He also is trying to get his ex kicked out of school, and trying to get everyone to hate her? Yeah... He's a jerk. He also says things like, "your face makes me want to puke" to his girlfriend but as a joke. Idk.. Do you think he likes her?

- Heather - 11-09-2012 09:17 AM


- Nancy - 11-09-2012 09:17 AM

Mind your own business here.

- Mikami Teru - 11-09-2012 09:17 AM

I think he's a very confused individual.

- Meerel - 11-09-2012 09:17 AM

Mind ur beeswaz Tongue and he really likes her it's only natural seriously? I dnt think u Hve a bf? So u won't b knowing but tell ur frend to sme times gve him hugs frm the bak n other days not talk to him,infront of him tAlk other guys n Hugg one guy once Wink he ll wake up frm his dream! N she can always say so u Hug ur ex? How does it feel? Haah try it Wink
Gud luk!

- Jon - 11-09-2012 09:17 AM

Oooook... -- and who are you in regards to their relationship? “The mediator or jealous friend???” I see this all the time. People get emotionally tied into other people's business when they do not need to be sticking their noses into it. Take a step out of their drama and reflect upon yours. You should be worrying about what you're going to be doing the next day and enjoying life.

"He also is trying to get his ex kicked out of school, and trying to get everyone to hate her?"

Is this a kiddie relationship? If so, you guys shouldn't be even caring about who someone dates and what they’re doing with their new fling. You should be focusing on your studies and preparing for college… Teenage relationships never really last -- there will be animosity amongst both parties when they break up – kids/teens are not well seasoned on how to control their adolescent emotions. So, you’ll see a lot of smack talking about one another as they’re still emotionally hurt and are trying to make the other party feel as hurt as they currently do.

Now, if you’re all adults I see this: The man is dating his side piece. He was already engaged in illicit activities with the female to bounce into that relationship that fast. It will probably not last. The kissy faces and the like is call the “Honeymoon stage” it will wear off and he’ll find someone else to attach to. Does he like her? Sure he does! He likes a warm place to put it so he’ll shower her with favors and gifts to ensure he can continue to use her as a resource. Once that fades, so does his desire to be with her.

I can be completely wrong; however, it’s an observation of a person who is also observing a dating habit of someone they do not know. Since this is not firsthand knowledge, one can only assume what is going on. Again, why should you really care? Adults make their own adult decisions. They reap what they sew. Let’s put it this way… If the side piece he’s now dating KNEW he was going semi-steady with another lady, what makes you think he’s not going to do it to her? Ignorance is bliss….