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why am i so enamored by her? - Printable Version

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why am i so enamored by her? - Chris - 11-09-2012 09:10 AM

there's a girl i met this summer and have become friends with. she's a freshman and i'm a senior, we were both in a musical together this summer and made friends with other cast members. on occasion a group of us have gotten together to hang out. i keep noticing that each time i see her i like her more and more. I've liked her pretty much since right after the show ended, because then she wasn't always around. I wanted to ask her out a few weeks ago (the last time i saw her) but never took a chance. I just feel so stupid that i can't do it. every time she puts up a picture of herself on facebook i am just stunned at how beautiful she is. I'm not a stalker or anything, i know her personally i just love seeing her and how beautiful she is. I need help, i don't want to just be a lonely creep who stares at pictures of her, i want to have the courage to ask her out. now my intentions are completely pure, i'm not after sex or anything, just a healthy and happy relationship. i don't want people to take my feelings for her the wrong way, especially her which is why i'm so shy when we chat on facebook, because i don't want to go off about "Oh you're the most beautiful girl ever" or "You are so perfect in every way" because it's creepy. i do feel that way though and a beautiful and sweet girl like her deserves to have someone who treats her like a princess. geez i'm sorry this is so long i just kinda exploded my feelings here. I just really like this girl and i want to be with her because she's so amazing and deserves a nice guy, and i like to think that i deserve a nice girl too. thanks

- Iol - 11-09-2012 09:19 AM

Ask her out and if you can't have a friend ask or something like that

- _ - 11-09-2012 09:19 AM

Oh don't lie you're after sex whether you intend to be or not...

Anyways just ask her out you pus. That's it!

- Raisa - 11-09-2012 09:19 AM

this is so cute omfg ask her like now go or i will find you and ask her for you