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Should I just add her on Facebook? Girls preferrably..? - Printable Version

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Should I just add her on Facebook? Girls preferrably..? - curious George - 11-09-2012 09:11 AM

- 2nd Year Sixth Form, so Year 13. Term started 2 weeks ago, on thursday on the first week back, I was with some old classmates playing blackjack, chess and table tennis.
Met a few new people, her included. Basically, one of her close guy friends sat down when me and my group were playing blackjack (they knew most of the others in the groups not all like me), both him and her was asking for my name and which year I'm in, I asked back in return. I talked to her a bit, as she was suggesting how to prenounce my name (as it is quite unusual Tongue) and I told her it was a good way to memorise it.

Buuut yeah, that's the prob, I haven't spoke to her since : \ I see her around colllege a lot, we both hang around in the same college refectory. I don't like awkward sits eg I come up and talk to her when she's with friends I dont know etc
We noticed each other about 3 times ie look at each other for a bit but never talk(Both introverted and reserved I guess)

On FB, she popped up on the people you may know thing and have like 15 mutual friends, should I just add her and say 'Yo?' when she's online? Oh I also have bbm and she does too so getting her pin will make things easy I guess..

i want a girl's perspective, i think I'll probably run to her sooner or later in college but who knows?

Thanks in advance!

- justagirl - 11-09-2012 09:20 AM

Just add her for now and like a couple of statuses etc.
She might start talking to you, but you can send her a message saying: "Hey! Haven't spoken in a while!"
If you don't feel close enough to do that, try catching her in school and talking to her a bit more.
Good luck!

- Mite - 11-09-2012 09:20 AM

Goodness gracious! Just talk to her! We girls aren't monsters.

I wouldn't say "Yo" on chat. -_-

I would talk to her in advance, in person. Maybe have a quick chat.

Then add her on Facebook, and chat with her after you guys have had a few conversations.
Otherwise, If you did that to me, I would think you were shy. Especially since you have seen her around, and shes seen you around. Just talk to her! What's the worse that could happen?

Good Luck xx