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My friends new wife has banned him from contacting me? - Printable Version

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My friends new wife has banned him from contacting me? - Miss Purple - 11-09-2012 09:15 AM

I have been friends with a man we will call Jack on here, for about seven years. We met through a mutual friend and had quite a bit in common. We are not so close that we call each other on a regular basis or anything, but we have been on nights out, gigs etc. Our friendship has never merged into sexual territory and as far as I am aware there are no sexual feelings on his part. We have quite a few more mutual friends now and I presumed we would tick along as we always have.
He met this lady, whom I will call Sue, and they had a long distance thing going on for awhile. She now has moved in with them and they recently tied the knot. Although I was never invited to the event I was very happy to see that things had worked out well.
I have recently found out via the mutual friend that we met through, that this Sue very strongly dislikes me. The friend told me that my name has been the cause of many rows due to me and Jack texting each other, over me jokingly commenting on some of his facebook pics (eg saying "yup gorgeous" on a picture where he has food hanging out of his mouth) and the fact that we had been to a few gigs whilst she lived away. He (or more likely she) has blocked me on facebook, wont respond to my calls or texts, and avoids me in social situations. It is going to cause a few problems as there may be a few mutual outtings coming up, and prior to my mutual friend telling me the score, I had no idea she or he felt this way. I met her once and attempted to be friendly, and she was rude, but another mutual friend said she was like that because she was shy. I can honestly think of no reason why this would have occured, there has been no fall outs, no inappropriate texts she could have stumbled across (i do not see him in that way) I can only figure it is because I am single, but surely that is outdated?! Anyone else had this problem? What should I do? Move on and wish them all the best, just let it go? I am curious to hear others stories about this sort of thing on here

Sorry it's so long

- geetarman56 - 11-09-2012 09:23 AM

Possessive and low self-esteem women can act this way. Really you may even need to let her know you have no designs on her husband, you're not angry they married, and have no intention of coming between them in any way if you want to continue talking to him and such.

- Payton - 11-09-2012 09:23 AM

she probably saw how good of a relationship you two had, and feels envious or threatened by you.
I had this happen to me before but with my brother's wife. She saw that i was a 'bad influence' and wouldn't let me talk to him.

- Brian - 11-09-2012 09:23 AM

It seems like she is insecure. This often leads to controlling behavior and jealousy. It is sad that you are losing a friend , but there may also be more to this. One of her friend's may have commented on your looks or planted seeds in her head about you and him . With their relationship starting out long distance, she may have all kinds of ideas about you that he never squashed. The only way to find out what is going on is to have a conversation! Good luck Smile

- Damian - 11-09-2012 09:23 AM

Although clear from your q that there's nothing going on I think Sue sees you as a threat. Maybe she's insecure in the relationship or has been hurt before but it looks like she doesn't think Jack can be trusted to have a platonic relationship with you. He's in a very difficult position and may have been put in a position where he was forced to choose between his relationship with Sue and his friendship with you. I am aware of a work colleague who had a similar friendship with a woman and his wife made it clear to him that she wasn't comfortable with it but she accepted it for what it was and there is no bitterness between the 2 women. What advice could I give? In an ideal world it would be great if the 3 of you could meet up and talk, or if you could bump into Jack and ask him out straight what is going on. He would surely be honest with you if you had such a good friendship. I think though that you may have to accept that you've lost a friend here through no fault of your own. Really hope it works out for you

- Kiwi - 11-09-2012 09:23 AM

She feels threatened by you. And is trying to cut all contact you two might have had in the past. She sounds controlling and manipulative. And your friend Jack is acting like her dog on the end of a leash! He is obeying her every wish. However he is losing a good friend in the process. You have NO control over this situation. YOU can't change her mind about you. Jack would have to be the one to stand up to this women and tell her how it is between you two. He doesn't seem to have a spine to stand up to her and tell her to cut the crap!
Sad to say but you are going to have to let this friendship go. Only Jack can change things. And he doesn't want to stand up to this lady for whatever reason.
A lot of women are like this these days. If you see him in public with a group of ppl and Sue is there just be friendly but distant. Don't try and talk to him or her.

- A X - 11-09-2012 09:23 AM

How sad that a good friendship probably has been ruined by a jealous wife.

Best guess here is that any avoidance behavior on his part is only to keep the peace with his wife... who sounds like a jealous b**ch.

Not that it helps you any, but if I had a GF who treated a female friend of mine that way, she wouldn't remain my GF let alone become my wife.

What to do? I suggest calling your friend one last time at a time you know she's not around. Tell him how sad you are that this is happening, but to keep the peace and avoid becoming a wedge between them, you plan to stay away and not contact him further.

What a shame. Best wishes.