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NO ONE IS ANSWERING PLZ HELP!? - giganticflag245 - 11-09-2012 09:16 AM

Your Open Question: PLZ HELP?!!?!?!?!?? EASY POINTS +I ANSWER URS?

Thanks, now I have your attention,

First I want to ask out this girl, but dont know how and I want to be closer to her first, that's what I want help with

so i like this girl called emily, I'm wanting to ask her out. she is the best looking girl in my year, in my opinion (not meaning to sound shallow, cause I do like her for we personality Smile looks are a bonus :/ my grandpa always said that you should marry an ugly woman cause they can't get any worse haha), but otheres dont seem to think so :L I play rugby, but i have a slight belly, i am starting to go to the gym on the 5x5 stronglifts program. We have spoken quite a few times on facebook, ad i really like her. Im 15, so is she .

(Just turned 15 on tuesday)
im 6ft, quite broad, with a mediumly sized afro. in the first 2 yearas of highschool, i didnt have a great popularity, but its better now.

she goes to my chemistry supported study too. It's a coincidence we go to it though

- Rexxel - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

Talk to her at your chem study. Just be casual! Good Luck Smile

- Lewis - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

Just start talking to her!
Keep the conversation light and happy and she'll want to talk to you again!
good luck!

- malathee - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

Just talk to her...facebook, sms, of luck.

- SMILE :] - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

If you aren't friends with her yet, get to know her. Talk to her casually, maybe ask for her help on a question. If you and her are already friends, its even better Smile You can just ask her if she wants to hang out. Like if you happen to keep a pet dog at home or something (and if she likes dogs), maybe you can let her play with it. (Do find out beforehand whether she likes pets, some girls are afraid of dogs Tongue)

Try not to make it seem like a date, it can get awkward at first. Just hang out as friends and its always nice to have another 2 friends (who are a couple) to go along, something like a double-date. Its important that the other two are a couple, so she won't end up liking the other guy or something.

Answer mine? ^^;_ylt=AqKrcji0E1nAfFVKqfdTZ6n44gt.;_ylv=3?qid=20120928002011AArLfwN

- broadquicksand997 - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM


talk to her in a friendly way first.then you will come funny and kind.tell her she is good looking today but do not overdo with not go after her all the time. talk to her in the chemistry class,ask her to study together. be smiley. eehm those are some suggestions i hope it will help.(btw i am also 15 -girl-)

- BombVixen - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

Just be friendly think of her as a friend only i know this can be hard but as soon as a woman sniffs desperation in a Guy it all goes down hill. So just stay fun smile alot and don't be clingy.

- Tyrah - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

awww will you be my boyfriendSad never heard a 15 year old sound so cute talking about a girl and wanting to get with her at my school all they talk about is sex and what they would do to girls if they could not about liking them if its mostly the same at your school just talk to her or tell her how you feel over text but in a cheeky way so you dont sound too desperate im sure if she knew you liked her ans your hot shed jump for the chance as not many boys confront girls these days so just tell her otherwise nothing is gonna happen

- Nitin - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM
