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How long does a follow limit last on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How long does a follow limit last on Twitter? - Kieran - 10-01-2012 08:54 AM

Hi, I've tried to follow some people, but it says i've hit my follow limit.. How long does this last? Is it permanent? I've got 3,687 followers if that helps. Please help, and while your reading this, Follow me, @waveey_kay i'll follow you back, if twitter ever lets me =( thank you.

- Miranda - 10-01-2012 09:02 AM

What to do if you've hit a follow limit:
If you've reached the account-based follow limit (2,000 users), you’ll need to wait until you yourself have more followers before you can follow additional users. Follow limits are system-wide; Support cannot remove or adjust your follow limits.
To follow one or two additional users, unfollow a few accounts you're currently following. Please note, however, that regularly following and unfollowing many accounts is a violation of the Twitter Rules and can result in account suspension.

Why Twitter limits following behavior
These limits help us improve site performance and reliability and help us make Twitter a nice place for everyone.

- rastagurl - 10-01-2012 09:02 AM

@pewpewbatman follow me!Big Grin

and you could you known as 'Twitter Spam' where you've been following too much or something, it should go down in a few hours xo

- thunderingcherries721 - 10-01-2012 09:02 AM
