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I need serious help.This is not a joke? - Printable Version

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I need serious help.This is not a joke? - Yutgvtgj - 11-09-2012 09:16 AM

I am seriously considering suicide.I made this account to post this.I was with a girl for 8 months.The first 2 months,I treated her right.I was good to her.I found out that she was cheating on me through texting and internet sex.She is a habitual lier too.I got sick of it one day and broke up with her.I thought that was the end of it.I got home and she started calling me begging me for a chance.After a while,I gave it to her.The next 4 months,she didn't cheat.But I kept finding old messages and profiles from where she cheated.It would upset me seeing more evidence everyday.I could not trust her at all.I had my guard up 24/7.We started arguing everyday.We started calling eachother names,and it got so bad that I just hung up one day and ignored her.I called her an hour later and she told me she was talking to a guy.So I ended it again.She kept messing with my head and blamed me for everything.We ended up getting back together but it wasn't the same.She treated me like an animal.Ignored me all day.If she did answer,she would yell at me and then hang up.I broke down and I kept trying to make it work but she just yelled and ignored me.She would break up with me atleast once a day and make me beg her.It finally stopped and she got nicer.I found out she was still texting a guy for a month after we got back together.I was so upset,I wanted to kill myself.I could not trust her but I felt attached to her.I fell in love with her when she was faithful and I couldn't just let go.Things were ok for about 2 months.Then she started acting weird again,ignoring me.We started fighting again.She went with her sister to Lowes one day.She ignored all my calls and texts.I found out the guy she was texting works there,and she went in there and hugged him and I don't know what else she did.She broke up with me.I wanted to come to her house to talk.She said for me to come over,so I did.She had her sister and brother in law meet me in the drive way telling me to leave.I told them she said I could come over.They called her and she lied to them.I left and was ready to forget her.She made a meetme and facebook account and was flirting with a ton of guys on there the same day.I don't know why but I love her still.It kills me seeing what she is doing.She has had one guy at her house since we broke up a month ago.They broke up but she is still talking to tons of guys.I know she is no good but I can't move on.She plays games with me still.She will talk to me and say it is all going to stop and were going to fix things.Then she never stops,and she ignores me.She will block my number and then unblock it.She tells me she loves me and wants me but she isn't ready to stop flirting with other guys.I am being thrown around and it is killing me.I have attempted suicide a couple of times this last month and I asked her if she would stop me.She ignored me.I have tried fixing things and I've done all I can,but she won't even try.She says it will all stop and we will fix things but then she only does more flirting.Its like she has no guilt and doesn't care if I hurt or kill myself.I don't like her but I love her for some reason.I have tried praying and waiting and begging but nothing works.She is relentless with these games.We got back to talking for a couple of days,then I asked her to stop talking to these guys and she hung up and blocked my number.Its like she wants to cheat and flirt but I can't open my mouth and say it hurts me or I get left behind.I don't know what to do.I'm severely depressed and am seriously thinking about killing myself to get away from it all.My life is miserable and she has fun making it worse everyday.I was always good to her.I never hit her,we argued but thats it.I don't understand how she can be this cruel to me after 8 months where she said she loved me.She cannot make up her mind whether she wants me or not.She is humiliating me and making my life a living hell.I don't want to live anymore.I need help.What do I do?

- jollytest835 - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

She is not the only woman in the world. She is not the only woman who can make you feel good. Don't kill yourself over some chick, go out and find another one. No person is worth killing yourself for.

Love sucks sometimes, and sometimes we pick the wrong people, but thats ok, with pain comes growth and knowledge. Now you know not to deal with that type of woman again and when you see the signs, you will be able to leave the situation before you get hurt.

Ignore her, forget about her and find you someone new.

- Rob - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

You’re such a duckweed, why are you relying on the input from one juvenile girl who is obviously not for you. Centre yourself and ask what is best for you right now. Move forward, always respect your family, be strong and focused. Be a good guy and study/work hard, your girl will come along and it isn't this one. You have a family, kids, house and everything else to look forward too, why are you letting this one spoil your time?

- Adeel - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

lf your life is as cheap and meaning less that you want to waste your life for a cheater. Then you deserve it.
Other dump her and move on.
Once a cheater is always a cheater.

- whats up 2? - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

Simple just move on. You have been only with her 8 months. She is a player!You may have fallen in love with her but it don't sound like she fell in love with you.

You don't need to kill yourself over this trust me. Tell her to move on. Get rid of her. Be happy & positive it will annoy the living crap out of her knowing your moving on & being happy & positive!

I am kinda in the same situation like you are. I have fallen for a fwb & he walked out over a week ago. He is also a player to. I don't know what hes going to honestly. I love him so much. I have been with him for 5 years. My heart was crushed for over a week. I had a very hard time. I have finally pulled myself together some what.

If you wanna talk hit me up thanks.

- Kelly - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

1 Corinthians 13:4 to 8 says:"Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up,  does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.  It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."

Do you think its worth to finish with your life if she doesnt love you? Its hard to move on but you need to. This is hurting you. Love is not like that. You read in the scripture the description of love. Thats how its supposed to be like. Love endures many things but that doesnt mean you need to endure when that person treats you bad or trying to destroy you. Keep praying that only God can help you.

- Harrison - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

If you just keep writing these long essays, you will be fine because you won't have time to do yourself in, or anything else. You are obviously more interested in the glam and attention you are receiving surrounding feeling suicidal than you are in doing away with yourself. Go do a random act of kindness for someone who is helpless and realize everything isn't about you.