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How can an addict not only get sober but be happy? - Printable Version

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How can an addict not only get sober but be happy? - Wimjimu Fliiip - 11-09-2012 09:21 AM

Hi, I'm an addict who has suffered from alcoholism since age 13(5 years) The only way i have been able to stay sober is turning off my phone and deactivating my facebook. Yet when i do that the loneliness takes over and i become unstable. It just seems weird that in order to stay sober, i have to shut myself off from all human contact. I have no friends who don't drink and my whole family does. I'm also a pessimist, and an athiest. So I truly have a hard time finding something meaningful in life.Staying sober isnt hard, i mean if i sleep for 12 hours a day then is that making me a good person? I just don't know what to do.

- pasquale garonfolo - 11-09-2012 09:30 AM

An addict must resolutely try and decide that there is a fight to be fought, a fight against the addiction. A fight could be consisting of great perspiring work exertions where pure natural water should be the only help against dehydration and for flushing your kidneys. An addict could go out and till a great garden or run necessary errands for some disabled or old people in the neighbourhood; an addict could go out and do some great more sun-kissed sport, together with people that are more interested in the sport than in the booze; with the sport could follow the great healthy chance of competing for winning shining medals or other great prizes.

The escape from addiction and the implementation of better health and of freedom may require great exercising, also perhaps helped from good (professional) mentor or from sparring partner.

Diligent dedicated exercising is what may be necessary to try and escape addiction. Exercise is a fight towards reaching the great habit of staying away from unhealthy practises. Exercise may be leading on to a style of life of more corroborated strength and of virtue. Exercise, exercise, exercise may be leading on to a great apotheosis of glowing certainty, of feeling in your mind, in your eyes, in your face, in the whole of your own person and personality the great glow of healthier life.

Dear good friend of ours within the wider bounds of this great cyberspace, so more health-corroborating exercise is what you might try and do. But do also all the while stay open for chances, and do go seeking chances, of lots great merry thoughtless laughs in sober company, if sober loving company is there, or more often most sublimely all on your own. Good luck to you!

- Rez - 11-09-2012 09:30 AM

I know what you are going through because I went through the same thing. The problem with meeting sober people at meetings is that many of them are all wrapped up in the religion that goes hand in hand with the 12 steps so as an atheist it feels impossible. Your only hope is to go out into the world and live. Figure out what your interests are and follow them and they will lead you to good people. What kind of career do you want to pursue? What talents and skills do you have? Get into school and work on those areas. Even if you are an introvert and even if most of the people you run into are bad for your sobriety, the pursuit of your interests will carve new habitual pathways in your mind, (metaphorically speaking, ha ha), and after a time living sober will become easier.
However, as you call yourself a pessimist I wonder if you do not have some kind of depression that might benefit from some therapy and perhaps even some kind of medication, not that I'm a fan of meds, but they can be a huge help to some people with depression problems. So also see a doctor and explain your pessimism to him or her.
All this simply means be proactive in your own recovery and your own life. Do it NOW before you get old and start really regretting sh it.
Fare well!