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How do i make my facebook profile Private ? - Printable Version

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How do i make my facebook profile Private ? - Shriekingstream574 - 11-09-2012 09:22 AM

Hi Everyone
I just curious to known how do you make you facebook profile private i have sign up but i don'ty known how to make it Private....


- anonymous - 11-09-2012 09:30 AM

The top right of the page, click 'Account'

Select 'Privacy settings'

At this new page you are at, you will see at the very bottom middle "Block Lists"
Just above that it says "Customise settings"

Click on 'Customise settings'

and it's self explanatory from there. You can choose what you want the world to see and what you want your friends to see. Even the option so only you can see certain things.

- prettynpurple727 - 11-09-2012 09:30 AM

Log into your Facebook account and click on 'Privacy' in the top right. In the 'Profile' section, click on 'Edit Settings'.

You can now choose who can view you profile. You can either allow all your friends and all the people in your network to view your profile, some of your friends and the people in your network, or just your friends. Select one of these options from the drop down menu next to 'Profile'.

If you scroll further down, you can select who can view different features on your profile. You can select options for features such as the Wall (this is where all your comments from your friends are posted) so that only you can view them.

Once you have made all your changes, click on 'Save'.

- Ripleyclone - 11-09-2012 09:30 AM

It's ADVICE woman, I wish you would stop finishing your questions that way.