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Why are there ads on ALL of the websites i go to? and how do i make them stop? - Printable Version

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Why are there ads on ALL of the websites i go to? and how do i make them stop? - kyle - 11-09-2012 09:23 AM

It seems like all the websited i go to have ads that randomly pop up then under it says "about this ad' and sometimes there is audio to it also and they are really annoying if im trying to watch a video on youtube or listing to music on itunes and on facebook they just pop us and ruin my songs and make my internet connection slow please help me it is really annoying

- Dalton - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

Download Google Chrome. Go to the app store. In there is a pop up and add blocker. Works like a charm! Even stops YouTube adds

- Matt - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

Get google chrome browser and then install the add-on adblock

- Nick - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

The internet isn't free. This is how money is made, so we all have to accept it.

You can probably set your browser to reduce the most intrusive ones.

- Tron - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

It kind of sounds like a trojan/unwanted adware or program.
Yes, there are a LOT of ads now-adays and they get annoying. There's nothing you can do about those. BUT, sometimes programs you accidentally accept or sneak into your computer can make REALLY really obnoxious video ads pop up and a lot of people think it's normal, but it's just a trojan or adward.

Try going to and download the free edition and run it.
It's a GREAT program and If it picks up on any adware it'll get rid of it, then you'll know.

- Michelle - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

Others have already told you how to use Google Chrome to get rid of the ads. So I will just put in my 2 cents ...

I work on websites for a living. Some sell products. Others exist purely to share information. Either way, it takes time and money to publish content to the internet. I am glad ads exist so that someone like me can get paid for their hard work without focusing on sales.

A lot of website owners take it too far though. Ads should never distract from the content of a website. Audio ads and the ones that are popping up all over youtube have really been getting to me lately! I actually want to put ads on my youtube videos. But I refuse until they come up with some less intrusive ways to do it. I do not want my viewers forced to sit through an advertisement and I do not want the bottom of my screen hidden.