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why has not the woman answered to my message that she looks gorgeous and I am interested in her? - Printable Version

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why has not the woman answered to my message that she looks gorgeous and I am interested in her? - black dog - 11-09-2012 09:24 AM

I went to my bank to deposit a check. There was a very gorgeous woman working as teller and she handled my check deposit. She had her complete name tag on. With that name, I was able to locate her on facebook and on her facebook profile also she claims to work for the bank. So I sent her friend request at facebook and also messaged her that she looks gorgeous and i saw her as teller. I then said I would like to speak with her on phone and gave my number too in the facebook message. However, I got no reply back from her and she did not even accept my facebook request. But I know she got my message. The next time I went to the same bank, she got scared of me and tried to avoid me. She looked terrified as if I am going to rob bank. Why? I am just an ordinary dude searching for some girlfriend.
is she lesbian? i think so. why then she didn't reply? her facebook pictures only contain females and all her friends her females. And she appears to be hugging and holding hands with females only.
She even wrote on facebook wall, "i love you jessica with my heart and soul. we will always be together forever". So she is lesbian?
i thought most women would get flattered if you tell them they look gorgeous. But no reply?
its not stalking. sending a facebook message hardly qualifies as stalking. in fact its she who can get access to all my information because i have checking account there, that means address, SSN, account balance, etc etc. I hardly have anything to stalk her.

- sunny - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

Is this is joke?!

She looked scared because you effectively stalked her! If you liked her you should've just said so at the time, or on your next visit to the bank. Looking someone up on facebook and sending them a message like that when they don't know you at all comes off as creepy. Which would be why she didn't reply to you - even if she liked the look of you, to reply and accept a friend request in that way is just asking for trouble. It might even be that she's had a stalker before which would explain why she "looked terrified."

Next time, just talk to them.

- Shriekingtwig194 - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

Simple she is not interested in you may be she finds your way of being friend with her arrogant or indecent. Or maybe she has her own God's best whom she loved most .

- ? - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

call me lets chat about it

- Wondering - 11-09-2012 09:32 AM

First of all you were just too direct and scared her. Second of all she cld just not want a relationship/be uninterested or maybe have a bf?