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WTF? WHY DOESNT HE EVER...10 POINTS.? - Printable Version

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WTF? WHY DOESNT HE EVER...10 POINTS.? - BONOBO - 11-09-2012 09:25 AM

OKAY theres this guy who totally acts like he is into me. or at least finds me attractive he tells me i am pretty and alllllll this stuff and i just know he has some feels for me. even if its not much ... but like legit. he was acting like he liked me this wholllleee weeeekkkk man. so i just dont understand. okay I KNOW its JUST FACEBOOK. but i want to know....? WHY! doesnt he ever like my profile pictures. he called me really pretty so i dont understand...he likes all these other girls profile pictures. and stuff. but he will like my cover photo but not my profile picture. and i know he saw mine today because he was online when he saw it. and it was a really pretty one so i dont understand. like forreal? i like his pictures so why doesnt he like mine.... im not popular. not much. but he likes girls photos who are just regular. and i have to say im probably the only girl he finds cute of my race. ( im a different race then him) but i dont think he is racist. so i just dont understand??? i know its not a big deal but it kinda makes me mad. and no he is not trying to make me jealous. its just the fact he really was acting like he liked me...
he does tell me im pretty in front of everyone in my class...... idk i think im not " cool enough" for him...

- akatsuki - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

Holy crap, work on your grammar before thinking about boys!

- Erika - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

Maybe he does like you and would rather tell you your pretty in person? Or maybe hes a man whore

- Denisse - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

Hmmm, for him maybe it was just a temporary thing. Not to be mean or anything, but maybe he started to talk to another girl and that's all he thinks about now. And maybe by him not liking your pictures is a way of him kinda saying " back off" ??
Idk, guys minds are just weird and so not clear to women! Hahah
But goodluck!

- Girlie - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

Does he complement you when there are people around? if not maybe he doesn't want his friends to know he finds you pretty(sorry) or he just feels like he doesnt need to like your photos because you already know that.