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Facebook privacy settings? - Printable Version

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Facebook privacy settings? - Query - 11-09-2012 09:26 AM

I made a group for certain people on my Facebook. They are the only ones that can see my wall and pictures. Nobody else can.

However if I comment on one of my pictures, it comes up on my peoples news feed who shouldn't be able to see it! Frustrating!

Also if I comment on a friends photo, it does the same. Comes up on everyone's news feed.

I'm pretty sure I've set all the privacy settings correctly to how I want them. Is this just a loophole in Facebook's system?

Any help would be appreciated.
Never mind about what I want people to see. The last thing I need is advice like that thank you very much. I asked a question in regards to it being a loophole or not. If you don't have an answer or suggestion, don't reply.

- Tin-God - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

the simple rule with face book is do not put anything on it you would not want every-one to see
its a net working site, its that simple if your the shy type that likes keeping their private life private then don't put your private life on there

- KerriAyling - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

I know what you mean. Firstly.... check your privacy settings (which I'm sure you've done).... there are two to check:

Tthe posts & comments you make are supposed to be governed by the same privacy setting as your photos, under the heading "things I share".

There's a separate setting for privacy on photos you're tagged in... with "things other people share" Smile

Facebook is not as private as most people think - even after you've checked your privacy settings, stuff happens that you didn't expect.

An example..... Say my mate Julia Gillard (hahahaha) comments on Kevin Rudd's status.... and I'm not friends with Kevin... and unable to see his Wall when I go to his profile cos of his privacy settings.....

I can still see Kevin's status and what Julia wrote...... (!!)

By clicking the "status" link on Julia's profile where it says "Julia commented on Kevin Rudd's status" then Facebook gives me a view of that small portion of Kevin's page... just that particular status & its comments.... which I'm not supposed to see cos he's got his Wall hidden to non-friends.....

Yeah, sometimes my news feed shows me stuff I have no right to see, just because one of my friends said something on someone's page/photo the whole world gets told about it :/

Don't ever forget that Facebook is a social networking site (!!) and anything you say will become part of your electronic trail and will be there forever. Don't say things you wouldn't want discovered.... not on Facebook, anyway.....

There are new applications coming out every day which violate Facebook's rules. They try to shut them out but can't possibly keep up. You're not supposed to be able to backup friends' photo albums, take the ads off your screen, see who's visited your profile... all kinds of things. Lol.

With the posts being visible to the wrong friends.... I reckon you should consider setting up a really super dooper private account with a dodgy name... only let the close people know it's you... that way you can freely communicate with people while remaining anonymous to the others.