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HELP!!!!!! NO ONE IS ANSWERING!!!! Easy points + ill answer urs!? - Printable Version

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HELP!!!!!! NO ONE IS ANSWERING!!!! Easy points + ill answer urs!? - faintbeast773 - 11-09-2012 09:26 AM

Thanks, now I have your attention,

so i like this girl called emily. she is the best looking girl in my year, in my opinion, but otheres dont seem to think so :L I play rugby, but i have a slight belly, i am starting to go to the gym on the 5x5 stronglifts program. We have spoken quite a few times on facebook, ad i really like her. Im 15, so is she .

(Just turned 15 on tuesday)
im 6ft, quite broad, with a mediumly sized afro. in the first 2 yearas of highschool, i didnt have a great popularity, but its better now.

she goes to my chemistry supported study too.

cheers Big Grin
I want to ask her out :/
I want to ask her out :/

- david b - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

The reason no one is answering your question is because there is no question to be answered.

What is it you want to ask?

- Jordan - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

Cheers Big Grin

- ♥My 2¢♥ - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

Ok honey I really really paid attention and I tried...but I cannot find one question in your post. Maybe, just maybe, this is why no one is answering. Sorry. "/

- Deddy Bear - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

Ok here's what you do..... just ask the girl out. If you feel so strongly about the girl all you can do is ask.

If she's interested she'll go out with you. If she's not then move on.

Women can be a real pain in the butt, i'd know being one and all.

But you'll never know if you never try. So go on... and goodluck.

- Karina - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

If you like her , why does it MATTER what your friends think & besides they don't have the same taste as you do what you want don't rely on what people say I was told my boyfriend is trouble & he will beat me & all but we been together for 8 months no hitting & its actually the BEST thing that ever happend to me , who knows maybe it will be yours too

- Clairey_beary101 - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

I think you should talk to her, see how she reacts to you, and make it clear with your body language that you like her, without actually telling her, you could try talking to her friends, or your friends, her exes, or if you want, come right out and tell her!

- Amanda - 11-09-2012 09:34 AM

If you like the girl and you seem to be pretty close then chances are she is waiting for you to ask her out. So ask her out, and if she turns you down be sure to keep her as a friend because she may want to be friends first. Remember patience is a virtue. It doesnt matter what others think about her. If you and her are dating it's you and her, not you, here, and the entire student body. Good luck Smile