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How can i become content with my life as a loner? - Printable Version

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How can i become content with my life as a loner? - Girl. - 11-09-2012 09:27 AM

I am quiet, shy and always kept to myself. I'm pretty/average but never gotten guy attention or people wanting to be my friend.. so i always seeked people who would like and accept me for me. My social life is very limited because i don't branch out and meet new people. I feel like i just don't fit in society... I'm seen as different, weird, loner.. and so people don't really interact with me much. I have a Facebook which is quite empty... compared to other people's. I only have 3 profile photos of me turning my head away so you don't actually see my face. I don't like my looks and especially hate photos of me... so that's why. I have about 7 tagged photos.

I been working at home for 3 years so my mum can have money... so I'm always at home. I have freedom to go out, i have a car, license... but i don't have anyone to go out with. I just haven't made any new friends and no one asks me to hang out. I sometimes feel like I'm trying too much to be like how society is... when maybe i could just be content with staying at home with my mum and grandparents?

My mum and grandparents lived in our asian country (a very small poor village) and they didn't have any friends. They only came to Australia when they were older and still then they didn't make new friends. I sometimes feel comfort in knowing I'm not alone and maybe i could live my whole life just being content with what i have.

I don't know, i just feel very different from others and always feeling like i must live up to society's normality... and i get very confused. I am 20

- Mr - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

Do you have aspergers syndrome?

- No Real Help - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

You choose what you do; you choose how you are; you choose why would you even question ow you allow anything to affect you.

Everything you speak of addresses a choice you made of your own free will, regardless of whatever coercion or influence you allowed to influence your choice; it was all still your choice in each situation.

You are only obligated to live up to YOUR expectations for yourself. What your parents and grandparents did in and with. You can look for excuses to hide behind, or you can go live the life you want.

Your life is going to be what and how you choose to make it, nothing more, nothing less.

- Terry - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

Help those in need. Volunteer and participate in your community for causes and people who touch your heart. Good deeds build self esteem and puts you into contact with like minded, good hearted people. I can't guarantee you'll find your soul mate but you'll find your self.

- Jesusfan - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

you are not alone. I am for the most part a loner. Growing up I had hardly any friends and was bullied quite a bit. But when I became an adult, it got better b/c I met more of a variety of people than I did in high school who were not so closed minded to different personalities. But like everyone else in the world, some of those relationships lasted and some didn't. There is a Bible verse that says, "...for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." So even though Paul (the writer) is speaking about spiritual things, he clearly is talking about physical or tangible circumstances as well. There is another Bible verse that talks about how we have a friend in God that sticks closer than a brother. So I don't what your beliefs or practices are, but if you ever get lonely, just talk to God (if you don't already). Tell him your desire for friendship or love if you have it, and if it's meant for you, it will happen at some point. Don't get discouraged. Many people don't have alot of Facebook friends or people tweeting them or texting them every few minutes. There's an old saying: If you have 2 good friends, your whole life, that's good. Even though I feel like an outsider sometimes, God has brought a very good friend into my life who accepts me for who I am and talks and listens about stuff that I can't tell my sister (that I'm close with). And we are not even close to being in the same demographics. Two last things. You don't have to change who you are to have good friends. Leave it up to God to bring the right people into your life. Also, if you do desire friendships and are willing, maybe a good place to start would be a church or religious center. Those bonds can be lasting because you have the same mindset. And even that can take time. Jobs and college, and even different hobby groups can be a source of friendship at some point. But stay encouraged. I could say more, but this is long Smile But really, pray about it. Note: the person above me who talks about self esteem is correct also. I don't know if you have low self esteem, but if you do, then doing things to improve that will make you feel better about yourself and that will show in how you deal with others. That still doesn't guarantee that you'll have a score of friends, but it will help. But even God can help you with self esteem issues as well. He did for me.