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Yes Or No: Should I go out with a guy who's into "Cholo Adventures"? - Printable Version

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Yes Or No: Should I go out with a guy who's into "Cholo Adventures"? - Mara - 11-09-2012 09:27 AM

ok so see this guy I knew for a bit but this was back in high school and we never were like bf/gf but just friends...just not soo close if that makes any sense. met him back in a science class my last year. anyways he asked me out on a date! i just was so surprised n never expected it....thing is he asked me on FACEBOOK!!!!!

I heard you just cant expect much or take relationships very seriously if the guy asks you out on seriously why he just had to ask on facebook?? Plus, I found on his page he recently (well I'm not sure if recent but I never noticed it on his pg before til now and yeah we're not so close since we haven't hanged out since over a year ago)

It's been such a long time since I seen him in person or we hanged out besides at school. But please let me know if you think this way he asked was weird plus what about this: It was just so unexpected cuz we hadn't hanged out since HS rly besides just saying hi if we bump into each other on campus/school, though he left now, and isn't it a bit strange how he just asked me out Saturday and started texting me more now?? when he hasn't before. we're more like "aquanitatnes" than friends I guess what I ca nsee....So I'm looking forward to it! and he kept saying how he was too to see me again....Anyways, on his facebook page. And yeah if you haven't noticed facebook and text are pretty much the only ways we've been staying in contact since high school. so yeah maybe I guess I don't know him as well as I do...though I'd rly like to go out with him cuz he is cute after all ad I did kinda like him back in school....

So should I go out with him on the date or forget it? Or just go out but not like flirt or anything and if he does ask don't bother?? I don't know, I just don't like cholos jajajaja...... Btw we're not bf/gf ... or at least not yet... (but for some reason I feel like that may "change")

*Here's their link btw if u have no idea what im talking about:

- joker - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

no one fckin cares

- Fanaticalarmy750 - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

Well, He seems a very Strange one Smile

- Anthony - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

Lol Cholo Adventures pinche morrito pendejo, they have a youtube channel.