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why are people complaining about facebook privacy? - Printable Version

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why are people complaining about facebook privacy? - herbabii4lyfe - 11-09-2012 09:27 AM

I dont understand why people are saying facebook is giving out to much information about themselves, my facebook only says i am married and i live in ny thats it nothing else, so why does everyone feel that its giving out to much information? you dont have to put your address and stuff thats optional cause i didn't give that info out. so i dont understand, can someone explain how its giving out to much information?

- Surfer OBX - 11-09-2012 09:36 AM

Because, there easy ways to get past the privacy settings and view a person's information.

- Evie - 11-09-2012 09:36 AM

Because things you say in your statuses and in comments could say more. It's quite easy to see any sports teams you play for, where you work, you favourite restaurant or bar, when you're in or out, and your personal relationships with friends. While this is not so much of a problem for adults, it's more of a problem for say, a fourteen year old girl.

- eagle - 11-09-2012 09:36 AM

this is because they protect us from other problems and its safe what do you think getting friends meeting friends they have certain privacy so so many questions are ask instead keep trying in life there is no food without hard work

- Kitty Kat Gal - 11-09-2012 09:36 AM

I don't understand it either!
I've checked ALL my privacy settings, and they all say that they are locked from anyone to see except my friends.

But, I am still playing it safe by not putting any of my personal info on the "info" tab. I have removed the year I was born and I didn't put my phone number or address up, even though only my friends could see it. (What if they accidently left their facebook up when they went into the dentist or something, and some creeper went and got a whole lot of personal info?)

The only info I have put into my "info tab" is my hometown, birth month and day, and my interests, like hobbies, favorite books, etc.

- j k - 11-09-2012 09:36 AM

This article is a year old, but it outlines certain concerns:

It's a good idea to really read the fine print: