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Girl on girl: Please share your thoughts? - Printable Version

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Girl on girl: Please share your thoughts? - Maria - 11-09-2012 09:35 AM

I have a 'friend' that I met at a party a year ago. We're both in our early twenties. When I first saw her, she set off my 'gaydar'. We got to talking, having a few drinks together, flirting and surely enough she kissed me. At one point she said 'Wtf, I'm straight!' before continuing to follow and make out with me. The next few times we saw each other at parties she would stare at my lips and even make out with me again. After a bit of confusion she messaged me basically saying that she's 'not gay' but will make out with girls if she's attracted to them, and said that she likes kissing me because I'm 'fun, attractive and a damn good kisser'. I assumed all our making out meant nothing and never expected it to happen again. To my suprise, the next time we saw each other in town she insisted on walking me to my taxi where she stopped and made out with me again. Surely enough, it happened on a couple more occassions. We became closer as friends, stopped making out but continued to kiss on the lips. She began telling me that she loves me. Because of uni we don't get to see each other very often, but when we do see each other it often feels like there's some sort of deep connection/attraction there. We now kiss on the lips soberly to say hello/goodbye. She messaged me not long ago saying 'I miss your sexy face and lips!'. I recently came out as lesbian to our mutual friends, who I'm guessing have told her and I suspect she already knew anyway. Last weekend it was her birthday and so we spent the day/night together drinking, dancing, flirting and suprisingly making out a lot. It was the first time we've done this in several months despite seeing each other during that time. One of our friends offered to take a photo of us and she decided to kiss me for the photo. When our friend sent me the photo, I sent it to her, and she now has it as her profile picture on Facebook. I really don't know what to think or where I stand with her. Just friends? Denial? What do you think?

- smokieydog - 11-09-2012 09:43 AM

Straight girls are so tricky!!! Hopefully she is just in denial or unsure and it is possible she needs to do more exploration... You really need to talk to her and honestly ask what she is feeling, how she feels about you or what she thinks of maybe you becoming an "us", and go from there.

- Jezz - 11-09-2012 09:43 AM

get to a place in your lives where you see each other more often. you may or may not end up living together. enjoy her for now. all things are temporary.

- Jewlz - 11-09-2012 09:43 AM

I think you already know where you stand with her. You both like each other and you admitted that you
're a lesbian. I think putting that profile up picture up is a way to say that you are hers. Sometimes relationships start w/o asking someone out. You're not in denial, you just love her. And admit you do ! lml. Good luck, I hope it goes well with you two.