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What is my next move? - Printable Version

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What is my next move? - Robert - 11-09-2012 09:37 AM


There is this girl in my math class and… she's special she's more special then any girl in highschool in my eyes, like the kind of special where I just don't know what I would do if I didn't have a relationship. You see I have a few problems and 1 good sign my problems are as follows: 1) I am in grade 9 and have NEVER had a girl friend so please don't say just go talk to her because I don't know her and it would awkward, I would probably throw up let's just that. 2) I'm friends (sort of) with one of her friends but she nor my friends will really be of help at this point so please don't say that. Finally I have no clue if she's in a relationship already or not and I can't ask the person I know who's her friend because the only time I could ask is in math class and my crush sits infront of me. One thing we have in common is that I love anime and cosplaying and I looked at her Facebook and she loves cosplaying too. My plan was to bring in one of my favourite anime books to school and "accidentally" bring it to math then from there see if she will notice and ask me about and from there spark a conversation, and possibly go to the school library to show where she could get them aswell. What I'm asking for this question is should I go through with my plan, should I change my plan, do you have a better plan, how can I tell without asking anyone if she's single and what should I do after:before. I really need help on this I have feelings for this girl like I've never had for someone before!

- Ana - 11-09-2012 09:46 AM

Start talking to her on facebook. Say a simple "Hey Smile" and if she replies say something like "I see you're into..." hopefully she's not a bitch & doesn't think you're a creep. Keep the conversation going & be yourself. & if things are going really well say "Oh I should bring we can look at it together" & then there you go. Goodluck!