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Has any one Stalked some one in this way? - Printable Version

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Has any one Stalked some one in this way? - tink - 11-09-2012 09:38 AM

Ok, I am extremely embarassed and regret every bit of what I did PLEASE don't judge me and say hateful things I'm already hurt enough........just let me no if you or someone you know has done the same thing please read the whole thing.

Ok, so back in 2007 in highschool i had a crush on this italian guy i had class with so i added him to my friends on facebook, I also made a fake profile because I didn't have the guts to speak to him I used a picture of a guy and gave the guy the same last name as the italian guy from class and messaged him as the guy saying ah i seen you in my girlfriends jessica (me) friends and I think we are cousins because we both how a rare Italian last name. Now I honestly didn't think he would fall for this but turns out he had long lost cousins and he thought he had found them. That monday he approached me in class and asked me about my boyfriend who had messaged him and I just couldn't admit to him it was a joke so i went along with it and he went for it. Years later 2010 he sent me a message about it again and i went along with it again and even signed back in to that fake facebook profile fooling him once again in 2011 and 2012 I called him because he gave the boy he though was his number in a message on facebook so i called him just to see if it was still his number i acted like i had the wrong number though and mentioned that fake profile and was acting like i was trying to contact a friend of the guy from the fact profile he caught on and was like i have a cousin by that last name and he ended up finding out it was me we immediatel started flirting and i told him that that was a fake profile but i didn't tell that it was me behind it i told him i think one of his friends did it and fooled me and him he was somewhat confused. We later made plans on three occassions to meet up and he stood me up everytime i was outraged so i started to stalk him on pinger textfree web and caller id faker, I also gave his phone number to colleges which called him like crazy because he called me asking me do i no anything about this. I then started to talk to men on chatlines using the names on woman he knew from facebook (one was the mother of his child) and giving them his number and calling asking for the woman he knew in his life. This went on for months and one day he called the chatline and heard it was me then left me a voice mail saying he would call th police and had his baby mama call me to which i don't no but i used her name I AM ASHAMED! I REGRET IT SO MUCH! THIS ISN'T LIKE ME IT'S CRAZY!
I changed my number that next day and deleted him from my facebook and his baby mama and blocked both of them as well.
I'm really smart and I no I'm not crazy I knew what i was doing was wrong i'm really ashamed!

- Karly - 11-09-2012 09:46 AM

I've definitely never done anything like that. Maybe you should seek some sort of help. Don't go crazy, and ruin your life, over one guy that you've never even dated, or hung out with one on one. Seriously, get some help so that way you don't do this with another guy, and get in some serious trouble.

- Filenotfound - 11-09-2012 09:46 AM

Well i think we have all been there!
similar thing happened to me, but it ended badly, and i had to bury them in the desert, since they betrayed me, but its cool.