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I accidently sent a 12 year old a inapropriate message on facebook that was suppose to go to my girlfriend? - Printable Version

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I accidently sent a 12 year old a inapropriate message on facebook that was suppose to go to my girlfriend? - Donte - 11-09-2012 09:38 AM

Ok so I'm 15 and my gf's friend always messages me on facebook so I was talking to my gf on facebook but I accidently sent it to the 12 year old is there anyway I can stop her from seeing it cus its very inapropriate and I'm very worried,PLZ HELP,like can I erase it anyway from her seeing it

- MEDICINE99 - 11-09-2012 09:47 AM

No, Not as far as i know.

- Sonia - 11-09-2012 09:47 AM

that is why you don't say such things over the internet.... be safe... be smart...

- Carolanne - 11-09-2012 09:47 AM

Why do you have a 12 year old as a friend. Try not sending inappropriate texts, even your girl friend unless years older than you will be under age to receive such a message.
You should be worried and lets hope that the 12 year olds parents dont see it....Because I would not buy your story.

- skypod - 11-09-2012 09:47 AM

Call her personally and ask her very nicely to please delete the message, as a favor to you, as friends.

And remember for next time to only say inappropriate things to people IN PERSON, never digitally, no matter how tempting it might be.

- Alex - 11-09-2012 09:47 AM

You can't unless you change your name and delete your facebook so she won't know who it's from or block her and change your name.