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why does my aries ex hate me? - Printable Version

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why does my aries ex hate me? - Leah - 11-09-2012 09:41 AM

i was with my aries man for about 2 years. he was so lovely and beautiful at the start. however, i did catch him always on his phone texting other girls and on facebook adding girls and messaging them. i confronted him and told him i wasnt interested in a guy who was doing those things. he then gave me all his passwords and promised he would stop.

he was well behaved for awhile. until he started going out and sending me really abusive messages while i was asleep. calling me a slut and whore for no reason. is took him a long time to cut that attitude out. once he stopped calling me names he made out he was this lovely innocent guy. however i would still catch him on facebook talking to girl. we would have a little fight and he would threaten to 'sleep with someone else'.

he is a very good looking guy and has a profile where girls know him and smoother him. and he doesnt refuse. not to sound up myself, but i am very very attractive person and i highly doubt he can find anyone remotely close.

he would do lots of nice things for me, but constantly with girls behind my back.

one day he went out and cheated infront of all my friends (the day after we got back from holidays).I confronted him. he denied it. just like he denied everything hes ever done. but this time i dont fall for his games and lies.

after we broke up he was sad for a whole hour!!!! now hes abusive and mean. even keyed my car. hes claiming that ive been cheating on him for the past 2 years with my ex bf. which he has compltely made up in his own head. but constantly calling me a slut and whore and spreeding around that im a cheater when im most definatley not.
he finally admited to cheating, then hell take it back, then hell tell me hes moved on, then hell say he isnt, then hell post all these thigns on facebook and there will be 1000 likes from all these random girls. he messages me saying karama will get me and i deserve everything bad in life

basically what im trying to ask is why is he turning this around on me and attacking me and tryign to upset me ? if i didnt catch him cheating he would still be with me now, so i know hes definately angry he got caught

- Claude - 11-09-2012 09:49 AM

He's trying to manipulate you. You need to avoid contact with him if at all possible.