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pregnant and in denial please help me? - Printable Version

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pregnant and in denial please help me? - Liz - 10-01-2012 11:20 AM

Im currently a 19 year old girl, who is pregnant. I was dating this boy one night we got really drunk and ended up having sex, we used protection but the condom split. I missed my period, took a test and it was positive, I also have been confirmed by the doctor. However I told the boy who I was dating and he was really angry, he told me I had to have an abortion that he is 22 and he doesnt want a child at his age as he is too young, his dad would go mental and he has a life to live. He kept putting me under pressure to have an abortion like he told me he wanted to meet up with me for a chat about our future when he ended up taking me to the nearest family planning clinic/hospital trying to book me in for an abortion, then tried to buy my affection by offering to take me to nice places. He's threatened me that If I Kept the baby I would be on my own and he would want no contact with me or his baby whats so ever. He also threatened to kill himself if I kept it. I know this sounds silly and selfish and horrible of me but I did text him saying I would have a think about an abortion just to stop the threatening messages. However after a few days I realised that I couldn't. I dont agree with abortions and I got myself into this mess I need to suffer the consequence's I dont want to kill a innocent child I cant bring myself to go through with it. I explained all this too him, he has stopped talking to me it has been about two months since we have last had contact, he has blocked me on facebook, twitter, changed his number so there is no way I can get in contact with him at all. I don't know what to do and how to get support and the stuff I will need to get off him as he has completely shut me out, and has carried on living is life as normal forgetting all about me. I am really scared and really upset at the moment as I am completely on my own I don't know what to and I keep feeling really tearful.I am keeping the baby but how do I go about getting support that I need off him help xx

- Kathy - 10-01-2012 11:28 AM

If he's that crazy, you are best off filing a restraining order and getting on Medicaid. Let the state handle the guy that expected you to kill your child and has been threatening your life! Call the local police station and ask them what to do first and that will get the ball rolling. Having no daddy is better than a creep like that!!!

- Amanda - 10-01-2012 11:28 AM

Hi Liz,
I'm sorry for what you are going through. You need to surround yourself with friends and family that will be supportive to you keeping your baby. Please look up 1 800 712-HELP is their toll free number. They can help you and your baby with your needs, and direct you to a pregnancy crisis centre that is near you. Take care, stay strong for yourself and your baby. <3

- ArielFelice P - 10-01-2012 11:28 AM

Well, if you're looking for emotional support from him, forget it, he is a lost cause and any further contact you try to have with him may be in the eyes of the law stalking him. He can however be made to pay child support once the baby comes and it's the sherrif's job to track him down to serve him the papers. I would definitely not try to get any financial support from him during the pregnancy, I don't think there are any states that require a man to pay child support before the baby's born, plus the tests that are done to prove paternity on an unborn child are invasive and dangerous. Personally I would write him off altogether because if you even just try to make him take financial responsibility, he's going to make your life a total rip roaring living hell. Get a job. Get a wonderful responsible roomate. Work hard and when you can't work, go on welfare and go to school, make sure you have marketable skills and a profession before all the free money runs out. Nursing is a good one if you're able bodied, it's very hard work, but it pays well. In addition to that you need a second profession to fall back on in case you're ever injured or can't work on your feet. Bookeeping or computer skills might be a good direction to go. Get a double major would be my advice if at all possible. Get some good sound advice which direction to go in before you proceed, take some aptitude tests and study the job market. Never fear, things will work out, it will just take alot of hard work and time. Big Hugs