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How do some people seem to have that Internet popularity? - Printable Version

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How do some people seem to have that Internet popularity? - Milan - 11-09-2012 09:45 AM

Like this guy I know on Facebook. most, not all, get 20 + likes. he probably post about 3 times a week. having a certain number of Facebook friends doesn't always matter because we both have the same number of friends (900) but I l get about 5 likes. so how does this happen where people always seem interested in what he has to say? it's like he can say something funny or informative and can get those likes. he's a nice person in real life.

- Tre - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

Sounds like that guy whored himself out and added waaay more friends then he actually has.. I know some female that did that, she got 65 likes the other day.

- Susan - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

It depends on how hot he/she (looks wise).
And then there are the cases where the person isn't necessarily conventionally attractive, but they have an x factor that makes them appealing (i.e. the obese guy with endless catch phrases and a heart of gold, the girl that hobbles because she was born with uneven hips but she's 'brave' because she has a gregarious personality, the borderline dwarf with rosacea that calls everyone her 'besty') People like that.
But mostly it's just people who are hot. Or the ones who 'put out'