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Someone gained almost 100 followers in 1 day...but...? - Printable Version

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Someone gained almost 100 followers in 1 day...but...? - Brad - 11-09-2012 09:45 AM

Ok, I keep checking this user's Twitter page (we used to be following each other but he's not a good person and we had a spat and are no longer following each other).

He gained about 70 followers in the past day, and over 50 of them are porn spammers! Then he's tweeting things like "Wow I gained almost 100 followers in 1 day! Thank you!".

What do you guys think of this? Why would so many porn spammers suddenly follow him in 1 day?
No. He's not even a popular person...he's actually a 14 year old, and he only had about 330 followers yesterday, and now all of a sudden he's got like 395, and I looked at the people following him, and LOTS of them are porn spammers who weren't following him before.
@Zim...yeah, he's definitely the kind of person I could see creating a bunch of accounts and following himself. It's possible.

- Victoria - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM


- Zim â„¢ - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

They're probably all him..and he's just trying to look cool. Anyways you shouldn't even acknowledge a douche.

- kitty in the sink - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

He could have paid these sites to be a member and given them his twitter page as a contact.


- Kenneth - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

If you had a falling out, then why is his followers any of your business to start with? The spammers follow a lot of people and they watch for people that are replying to those people's tweets and they latching on to them. Sounds like your former acquaintance my be responding to other people's tweets which then causes the spammers to see his name and start following him.

- Marcus Lane - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

He probably paid some site to get followers or found a twitter channel that promotes following anyone who follows them.

- Toddkrick - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

Ok let me give you a metaphor to solve your problem....

OMG my friend's dick, not really a friend anymore, is so big. There is no way it was that big last time i saw it. On further examination of his dick, he is clearly using hormones to make it bigger then my dick.

...So clearly there is an answer, why would you care about someone who isn't your problem anymore? secondly stop comparing dicks.