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Help with being bullied? - Printable Version

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Help with being bullied? - Loolooxx27 - 11-09-2012 09:47 AM

I used to be close to this girl. We fell out over her being racist towards my friends. It won't stop. Apparently I bully her yet she inboxed my friend on Facebook calling me names. She also inboxed me about not being bothered about me etc.. She won't leave me alone. Shes been on a mutual friends profile and seen messages about me being upset about it. I cry most nights and feel like I shouldn't be here. Told the teacher but it's continous. Please help x
Thanks all of you. You all helped. Yes I have blocked her on Facebook. It just gets me really upset. At school I try to be strong but at home I break down. Thanks all of you again xxx

- Georgia - 11-09-2012 09:56 AM

i think that you should tell a different teacher too tell a lot of people who you trust about how you feel and maybe it can be sorted out also maybe de activate your facebook account or use this website to report
i hope it stops

- Ellie - 11-09-2012 09:56 AM

I would suggest that you tell your teacher again, but tell him/her that it's worse and something really needs to be done. They will go to the police but if they don't, then you can. Keep a record of what she's saying on Facebook by taking screenshots and saving them so that you have a record for the police or your school if you need them. Have you blocked her on Facebook? That way she cannot look at your profile, message you, comment on your stuff, tag you, or post on your wall. It might be good to tell your friends too so they block/un add her. If it continues maybe deactivate your account?
Hope this helps, good luck. xx

- Rose - 11-09-2012 09:56 AM

right first step is that you show no signs that your getting hurt or even bothered by her- this will get on her very last nerve that eventually (if she cant control herself) will explode and start shouting in front of your friends, and complain more about you because shes hurt.

Secondly- when people come up to you and say that she said this and that, or if she came up to you. Show her that your not bothered by anything she says

Thirdly- make happy comments on your profile

and that way shes destroyed- if she keeps bullying you then you reply but don't make it as extreme, she'll look like the bad person and you'll look like your merely defending Smile

good luck!