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Should I see her? Should I not? - Printable Version

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Should I see her? Should I not? - radius - 11-09-2012 09:48 AM

I"m a student at HKU. Here's the dilemma. I have a fencing competition (for all U students in China) next Wednesday, one that I have a real chance of winning. But then i won't be able to see this german girl in class. I talked to her last lecture and i think she's really nice and friendly and i couldn't stop thinking about her (yes i know i am talking like an irrational, hormone infused chick). Last week was study week so if i play in the tournament it'll be 2 weeks not seeing her. 2 weeks is an awfully long time and there're guys already hitting on her including 2 of these medicine faculty douches. So far my contenders are quite nerdy and i think i have a chance, but who knows? I'm desperate, she's desperate, and i'm just afraid she'll take whatever she can get.
I have two solutions at hand. One is that i play in a higher level (like there're 3 grades, A B and C. I play in A because i haven't represented my country) so that i will finish my 'crusade' on Tuesday and i'll have time to go back to Hong Kong and sit for the lecture on Wednesday. But my chances of winning will be diminished by a large margin as professional mainland fencers are cut throat as fuck.
Second solution is i add her on facebook and keep talking to her during this period. But i still haven't got her last name (cuz i didn't know how to ask her surname without being awkward) and i couldn't search her on facebook. i didn't want to ask our mutual guy friend because that would be weak, and if she knows about it her impression on me will devalue a lot. I could ask around, but like i said it's gonna be difficult because all i know is that she's called Amanda and studies psycology, and i don't know a lot of people outside the business faculty.
So should i go for the gold, or should i go for the beauty? My brother tells me i'm stupid and i should go for the medal, but like i'm afraid somebody else would get amanda first. I'm so confused. I just turned 18 and it seems like i've accomplished nothing besides studying and playing fencing. i didn't even ever have a girlfriend. None. I'm such a loser, so what if i wear cool clothes and cut a mohawk?