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Hey i need some help..idk what to do.? - Printable Version

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Hey i need some help..idk what to do.? - Jenna - 10-01-2012 12:04 PM

So this will sound bad...but it really was not. You can not even notice it and its not like i am disabled or something..just to get that out of the way.
So when I was born, my eye lid did not really develop right since my mom was sick when she was pregnant. I ended up not being able to close my eye and blink. I went to an eye doctor when I was about one, and he fixed it. I can blink fine and dont have any problems with my eye now.
This has been a struggle for me my whole life..i always felt different and ugly. It really isnt that noticeable, but every once in a while, someone will ask about what happened. Anyway, it didnt bother me. I would tell them. I would ask if I were them, too.
So I have this friends. Friends are supposed to be there and support you. They should make you feel great and confident.
I looked on my friends twitter to see if she posted this picture of me and her. She ended up not. (i was at her house when we took this pic) and I read something between her and this 9th grader. This 9th grader is her older sisters friend.
My friend, Gabby, retweeted this. Her older sisters friend is nicole.
Gabby (retweet) I dont like girls who like, have no eye lids. (some famous guy tweeted this)
nicole: lol why did you retweet that
Gabby: did u see what he said about not wasting his time with girls with no eyelids.... jenna
Gabby: stupid paige... the awk moment when she makes a twitter, stalks all of our tweets and kills herself bc of this
nicole: well we will block her muaahaha

Omg I have known her since kindergarten..idk what to do. I feel so this what everyone else says about me? Am I really that ugly? I felt beautiful, gorgeous, amazing..until this comment was brought up again. What should i do? Please help.
Pictures of me if u wanna see

- Dwayne - 10-01-2012 12:12 PM

You should confront your so called friend about this and leave it at that. If you let these people get to you because of something you could not help at all then that will always be your weak point. My advice to you is to grow stronger from this by ditching that so called friend of yours and concentrate on you. Good Luck.

- outcast123 - 10-01-2012 12:12 PM

Here we go again about insecurities. Just don't mind what other people think of you and live your life.

- Danny - 10-01-2012 12:12 PM

Ok how the fuck are we supposed to tell you if you didn't put a link to your picture. I mean you asked if your really that ugly with no picture. I ataully think you disabled from your stupid question. Maybe post a link after you read this? I'm not gonna lie you look pretty hot in your profile pic but it is so tiny and dark I can barely tell.

- Leah - 10-01-2012 12:12 PM

Don't listen to what anyone says they are jeous of you I'm sorry your friend would do that, true friends won't so that you don't want to hang around fake people do you? they are stupid tell them to suck it Smile

- Patty - 10-01-2012 12:12 PM

There just closed minded people sweety. You have something that makes you beautiful and unique. My niece was born with something on her eyelid that makes it difficult for her to open her eyelid all the way, but that can easily be gone, just like it did for you. My niece is the most beautiful being I have ever scene. And you're a precious gem that has made you, the beautiful girl you are. I have abnormally large ears and I began to model and one day my agent told me that its what makes you different that people want, so he made me pull my hair back and embrace it, I used to be made fun of it for that, and now people are making me show them off. Just ignore what they say and go on with you life bc that'll show them that you're better than them. Walk with your head high and be proud with what God has given you!(:

- AnimeLover - 10-01-2012 12:12 PM

Dammit... I know she was your friend, but you should not be friends with her. Like you said, friends support you in everything. She does not deserve to be your friend. REMEMBER! Everyone is different! There's ALWAYS something that's different. EVERYONE is beautiful in their own way! I know like every song in the universe has these lyrics, but they are true. DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOU'RE NOT BEAUTIFUL. You should not care what others think of you. The friends you have now are your true friends, make sure THEY do support you. Always remember there will be that one someone that loves everything about you<3 Wink If this comment does come up again, but this time, to you. Just laugh. You don't have to fake laugh, because you'll remember you don't care what they think.