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Why Is My Crush Treating My Mean? - Printable Version

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Why Is My Crush Treating My Mean? - Tkyla H - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

Okay , So We Message Each Other On Facebook Every Now And Then & Every Since We Started Doing That He's Been Acting Different. Example : I Was Walking With My Friends And Decided To Everyone In The Group A Hug Besides Me. I Felt Unwanted And Stuff Even Though HE TOLD ME HE REALLY LIKED ME ... Whats Going On .. ? Any Suggestions. Conversation Ideas? What Should I Say To Him?

- Loraine - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

By Doing "That" Meanin Sex?
If So It Sounds Like He Was Just Using You For Sex And Dumpin You. Probably Not What You Wanted To Hear. But Find Another Guy (:
Best Of Wishes

Please Help BTW

- Ford_Craney - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

he may only like you as a friend, ask him sometime.

- Vetty - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

Texting and facebooking is easy. YOU want a guy who's going to let you know that he likes you, period.
He would come talk to you, he would talk to you in front of the gang, he would joke with you, wonder how you're doing, etc. If he's treating you different in front of everyone, when he's been facebooking, showing how sweet he can be....he's just proved to you that he's a fraud. So, what do you do? YOU take him with a grain of salt. You don't give him the power over you. Hold on to it that you deserve a guy who's going to be a true man.

Good Luck sweetie. Keep doing what you're doing, just slowly back away. If he comes on strong, OK, he might be worthwhile, if not, it wasn't meant to be.