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What should i say when people talk bad about my boyfriend? - Printable Version

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What should i say when people talk bad about my boyfriend? - Amy - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

My boyfriend has a bad past with selling drugs, jail, and sleeping around. He has found God been reformed and has now been clean/sober for over a year. we recently started dating he is a wonderful man and amazing boyfriend, everything i could imagine. but people in our small town have started to talk about us. i have "friends" warning me. they say he is a bad guy and call him a drug dealer. They don't understand why Im paying a guy like him. If they only knew that he is not the person he used to be, that god can change anyone, and that we are sooo happy together. i want to say something on my Facebook that addresses the trash talkers all at once to shut them up but i still want to be respectful... kind of.

- @ - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

My god tell all your friends to stop smack talking about him. You need a say so im dating him NOT YOU LEAVE ME AND HIM ALONE im not listening to you guys , your just jealous. Same thing happen to me my friends are telling my ex crush about me being fake this that ugly blahblahblah you got to ignore it or it will get to you.

- Tony - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

This is like a big fire. The more attention you give it the more the flames go up. It's like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Since they speak ill of him ask them if they know he's still doing the things he once did. I'm with you on this one, people DO change. I've seen it in some of my friends lives and I've seen it in my own life. Not always do the changes stick, but sometimes they do.

If you love him and he loves you then what others are saying should matter little. But still, you want to keep an eye out for evidence of old habits creeping back in. They CAN. That's why you can be his best friend as well as his lover. KEEP him in the new changed man role he's put himself in.

But if someone tells you they saw him with another woman or dealing drugs - don't discount what they say, but at the same time don't go running accusing him. Just watch him closer so you can see for yourself if it's true or not. Then if it IS true, you know what to do next. I don't even need to tell you.

Hope this helps.

'av'a g'day mate.


- Girlie Electrics - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

Thanks for your concern, I'm aware of his past.
What matters is the present and future.

- Nashvegas - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

Make a statement about hypocrites (everyone makes mistakes, including your friends) and that people can change & deserve 2nd chances. Say something like this: Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn't mean they are bad. It means they are human.

- Jordon McCann - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

Tell them to shut up or say something that's good about ur boyfriend. im only 13 but i know what its like. i dont have a boyfriend but have some boy-friends who r nerds but are nice.
say all the things he does great and that will shut them up. he has to be not totally a waste because ur his girlfriend. right?
Good luck and its okay to be mean. SHOW THEM WHOSE THE BOSS!!!! Smile

- Mrs_Me - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

People will always talk no matter how good or how bad you are, is our human tendency and nature to always talk about someone, compare ourselves with someone, and so on and so forth. If you are happy with your man and he is happy with you, peoples talks shouldn't be bothering you at all. Because there will be always people out there who will always have something to say about your relationship and your boyfriend. I'd ignore any comment if I truly in love with the person and if he really changed, and if it's possible, I'd change town, if it was hurting my feelings and ruing my relationship. There only thing cannot get to my head is, if he is christian now, how is he allowing himself to have relationship outside the marriage? Or? Good luck to you anyway in your relationship, and do not listen what people are saying about him. The most important thing is that you know that he is a new person.