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Can someone give me some suggestions on how to increase sales for my music? - Printable Version

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Can someone give me some suggestions on how to increase sales for my music? - eagerbread899 - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

I'm a pretty well-known artist in Colorado, but I haven't "made it" yet.
This is my website:
My website has helped me a lot with promotion. I'm now using adsense, and I get a lot of traffic from my facebook fans (
Still, however, I'm not there yet. How do I get out there and give people a reason to buy my music?
Currently, I do a lot of giveaways and contests to promote my music, because I'd rather people have my music for free than not at all. It gets me out there more when people are actually listening. On my site, I'm charging 89 cents per song. My album comes out on April 12th, 2011. It will definitely be featured on iTunes and (we've already made the arrangements for it and paid). I am doing this on my own though. I have no big label supporting me or any agents, etc. Just me, Tarrynn Ashley. So, how can I...

a) increase sales of my current songs and
b) promote my upcoming album so that the sales are reasonable for an artist like me


- Brunzo Miguel - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

Hi ya,

Try, there is where all the musicians and DJs are...and find artists that are related to your music and send an friend invite and then send a sample of your songs.

Try upload a couple of Youtube videos and add keywords in that video upload that if someone was looking in youtube for a new upcomer musician, what would they type in the search bar.

Create a couple of blogs (wordpress, blogger, weebly, and introduce yourself and add a link back to your site...if doesn't bring traffic to your site, it will bring good quality backlinks from Google, which means better page rankings for your site.

I hope this is of some help.

Good luck with your upcoming album, I'm sure it will be a big hit!

take care,


- Signa Strom - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

A great idea might be a "virtual" tour; you could do a live tele-conference call with your fans where you sing a song or two, tell them about what you're working on, and answer questions from your live callers. This gives your fans a way to connect with you IN PERSON and actually feel like they "know" you. It's a step up from the social media marketing you're currently doing (which is right on the money by the way). In fact, promoting your virtual tour on Facebook and Twitter will allow your fans to share that information with their friends....setting up a great opportunity for the "tour" info to go out viral. You could also offer a free download of one of your songs to a lucky listener by giving them a website address at the end of your call where they can enter to win. This gives you a way to build your mailing list which is HUGELY important for future promotion and sales.

So, you could do a whole series of virtual tours throughout the year in this same manner and exponentially build your fan base and following with very little time, effort or overhead.