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can i get the police involved, my girlfriends ex boyfriend is stalking her? - Printable Version

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can i get the police involved, my girlfriends ex boyfriend is stalking her? - Spider - 11-09-2012 09:54 AM

he was a mental abusive ex boyfriend who justwont let her move on. he keeps logging into her facebook, and screen shotting personal information that we talk about. its pissing me off. she says shes been to the police three times and they done nothing. can i get him done for stalking and invasion of privacy, i just want him out of her life and stop ruining it, hes done enough. personaly i want to kick the shit out of him, but she wont let me do that.

- Sheuly - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

Yes you can get police involved.

- Tin-God - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

well tell your g/f to make her face book private so only her contacts can see her pics and comment
tell her to go through her friends list and dump anyone she does not know or anyone she suspects of giving him Information
you should make sure your face book is set to private to
as for the police, you can not make a complaint against him, your g/f will have to do it
why not try contacting his parents and asking them to have a word with him

- Erin - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

Your girlfriend can stop this immediately by not having a Facebook account.

- Girish Mehta - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

My dear friend,without discussing with your G/F,you must kick him out or complain to police.No other alternative!

- carswoody - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

You cannot involve the Police, she has to. However, be prepared to be let down as most sensible Cops will simply tell you both to get a grip. The sum total of abuse seems to be Facebook related, well the Cops can only tell her to change her password. Its up to her to decide her privacy settings and they are obviously not set very high.