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My Girlfriend Lies To Me I Need Advise !? - Alex - 11-09-2012 09:57 AM

oka so lets start it off at this point i used to have friends and hang out with them EVERYDAY and have fun etc. she starts getting mad about seeing im having fun and seeing pictures on facebook, so she then tells me not to hang out with my friends anymore so i do what she saids only to avoid fighting( this was about 8 months ago) so i haven't hanged out with my friends and everytime she goes out for a "SCHOOL THING " -. - which i always have a gut feeling shes lying to me, she tell me she was in school all day and didnt do anything but stayed in school so i believed her turns out i get on fb ( which btw she also told me to delete as well) and i find out that THAT cretin day she went for the SCHOOL THING she was out with her friends having fun taking picture eating hug other MALE and DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT it.... what should i do..... how should i go up to the one i love and ask her why she lied to me .... ?? =( every time i go to ask her "are you lying to me " she tells me "why would i lie to you ?!?! stop being stupid" and then she says"whatever" and doesnt text me till the next day and me im the type of guy to be faithful and it bugs me that she doesnt tell me the truth so how should i go up to her and tell her how i feel with out her dissing me off and ignoring me as usual =(
btw here is something ...she tells me not to do something so i dont do it, YET she goes and does it behind my back, you follow ?

- Ms.Medium - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

Call her out on it. And if it were me I would not be in a relationship where the other person called all of the shots.

- Samax13 - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

You have to stop freaking out. My brother is in college and his gf is in high school 1,000 miles away and her profile pic is her with another guy. My bro is cool with it. They still love each other like crazy, but they don't live tied to each other. You need to recognize that she has a life outside of you. Just make her promise to be faithful and do the same yourself.

- Denia - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

Start hanging with friends again reverse phycology an she will come crawling. don't chase the pussy let it chase you .

- Clipper - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

Confront her, Don't just post here about it say something, tell her you know she's lying, sneaking and all together disrespecting the relationship! Can i get an Amen?!

Ok sorry went a little preachy preaching machine there.

- myfavouritelucy - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

She thinks you're an idiot. And I sort of agree with her. She wants a slave, not a boyfriend, but she wants to be able to do what she wants... and she knows she can, Honestly, she really does think you are stupid, and will always lie to you, because nothing happens when she does. You are being made a fool of. She will cheat on you if she feels like it, and wont feel even a little bit sorry.

- Maya - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

leave her ass.
she's lying to you clearly and she's most likely, not 100%, unfaithful.
this whole double standard bullshit has got go to.. why can she hangs out w/ her friends, especially males, and talk and have fun but you cannot?
if you wanna stay w/ her, up to you, but you don't deserve her boy Smile if you gon stay, id say go back to doing whatever she tells NOT to do. aka HANG OUT W/ YOUR FRIENDS...if she asks "why? didnt i tell you not to?" tell her something along those lines "you hang out w/ yours and i dont say shit so it's just as fair if i hang out w/ mine if you don't like it, no one is stopping you from leaving"
she's just tryna make you feel jealous she's an idiot... she's tryna create issues w/ you so she can leave as far as i can tell.
final verdict; dumb her before she dumbs you cause you don't deserve to be dumb as much as she does.