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Help with this please?? *pictures*? - Printable Version

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Help with this please?? *pictures*? - Shalalala - 11-09-2012 09:57 AM!/photo.php?fbid=105495672938092&id=100004329788464&set=pb.100004329788464.-2207520000.1347721335&__user=100004329788464

She's the brunette one. Umm. I was wondering if you could see what makeup , and clothes she would wear based on the pictures. And her bangs do that swoopy thing. Can somebody tell me how to do that or what to tell the girl at the salon.? I'm not to be a poser I swear. And I'm 16 years old. Also she has a light tan that I freaking love. I know it's fall but how can I get that cute glow because I am SO pale. Please and thank you. ** also the pics are from FaceBook so you have to sign into fb to see them and I'm gonna set the profile to public. I made the FaceBook Ike two minutes ago and then as soon as people atop answering I'm gonna delete the FaceBook. I just didn't know where to post them.(:

** I DON'T want to be just like her but I do look like her Alot and the makeup I get make me hideous so again , don't call ne a poser please. Thanks.

- real_rebel16 - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

I think you should find your own way to be beautiful and not base your looks on what someone else would wear or how they would style their hair.I dont think you are trying to be a poser, because lots of people want to look like other people. Just be yourself and find the style thats right for you.It will make you even more beautiful in the end Smile.

- Sarah Paredes - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

Take the picture in to the lady at the salon and she will do it. Smile

Winged black eyeliner.
Maybe a light lip gloss?
Clothes from Abercrombie,
Jcpenny, and Forever 21.
Get artificial tan spray or
try tan-wipes. Smile

- Shelby - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

I see, well frankly first off there's nothing wrong with being pale. In fact, in Asia it is currently the height of beauty! Woman are even using these god-awful "Face-Kini's" to get a natural pale look! Smile I think you should just try staying pale for now considering the time of year it is and then try getting a tan in late spring/summer!

(For future reference, you can always post images to an image hosting site such as TinyPic!)

The eye make-up is liquid eyeliner on her eyelid, so try looking at this video in order to understand how to do that! -

She doesn't look as if she uses eye shadow, so skip that out! Then just apply mascara to your eyes and that is pretty much her eyes done.

For foundation I would suggest roughly your skin colour in liquid and powder foundation. Liquid foundation can give off an oily look which you don't want! With the powder on top of it, it'll look less oily and more like her make-up!

She doesn't seem to wear any lipstick, but you can always try lip gloss to give your lips a cute shine like hers in the second photo.

That's pretty much it for make-up, but her clothes just seem like general girly clothing. Skinny jeans, shorts, with a really tight or loose shirt. She also seems the type that would wear hoodies and stuff. Possibly from a brand like Holister!

Hope I could help!

- Riley - 11-09-2012 10:05 AM

For a light tan, use a little bronzer. That stuff does wonders. use little eyeliner in a dark brown and mascara. just a little lip gloss and your done Smile