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Why is my ex boyfriend nice one day then rude the next? - Printable Version

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Why is my ex boyfriend nice one day then rude the next? - heytheresir - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

We've been broken up for almost 5 months.After we broke up we never stopped talking, we were gonna get back together but i kept annoying him and forcing it so we stopped talking as much and i left him alone.We broke up cause he was suppose to move, but know hes apparently hes not moving till December. Last month when i asked him if he liked anyone he said why then i told him it was because i still liked him, he didnt say anything but he asked if i was ok like 2 hours later. He messages me on facebook occasionally.

Ok, so all last week he kept telling me about how he comes over my neighborhood and and skates with his friends. then last saturday he was telling me about where he skates at on facebook and the area happened to be where my house is. Then the next day my friend asked him if he had feelings for me and he said no. Then monday he was playing around me a little and he kept staring at me with his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face, i said "what?" with a smile on my face and he just kept staring at me.Whenever we're alone in class hes quiet,and Sighs really hard. he'll speak to me every one in a while. Then wednesday he complimented my hair.

Then Friday he barely spoke to me.Someone asked him how his day was and he said "Bad" (he says this almost everytime he gets asked this question) So i was walking behind him then i told him to hurry up(being playful) then he told me to shut up and said it rudely and said "Stop following me"(i wasnt following him, we were going to the same place) Hes always nice and playful one day then quiet and ignores me a bit the next....

One time we kept looking at each other and he said "NO" in a playful kiddish voice and we just kept going back and forth saying that lol Hes overall a shy and quiet person but once you get to know him hes weird and outgoing Hes also been hanging out with my best friend(we hung out one time in a group at a amusement park, but she doesnt like him cause she has a boyfriend already)
i dont want nobody else, but hes so confused
i dont want nobody else, but hes so confused

- Jollycream487 - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

Sounds like an emotional rollercoaster. You should try finding someone else. Its a big world with plenty of ppl in it

- john - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

Well, it seems as though you are quite young and so here it is in plain English. There is something definitely wrong with this dude and if you hook up with him it will NEVER end well. He has some obvious deep-seated issues he needs to work out, probably with professional help, but if he is rude, moody, condescending, or standoffish now it will only get worse as you two get more imtimate. Look for somebody who has their parents still together and tell your friend to watch out too.