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How do you guys feel about this facebook timeline thing? - Printable Version

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How do you guys feel about this facebook timeline thing? - Ally - 11-09-2012 09:59 AM

Its like facebook decided "were going to be with you for the rest of your lives" it has been around for pretty long already.. Do you think a lot of people will always use it or it will die out soon like myspace?

- Aravind - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

it is useful but basically it is shit. Sooner or later, something else comes up and facebook falls.

- Nancy Drew - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

I really hate it. I don't like how facebook gets to decide what to display. I noticed this when looking back to last year (see what I just asked about facebook) and I noticed that a few select pictures and statuses were displayed while the majority was hidden.

They want to add when you're born and big life events and clump everything together like it's guaranteed you will be on facebook forever. The places you checked in most often are displayed. I dunno, just too much info is compiled and highlighted by fb. Its like they are creating a book on you and they choose what to display.

It's gotten so dominating and so powerful that I've gotten really uncomfortable with it.

It's like everyone has to have a social security #, next u'll have to have an FB and it will be like some big public record of everything in your life.

I have thought abt deleting mine many times. I feel unhealthy when I spend a lot of time on facebook. When I go days without going on I feel good. Then I feel like I "need" to check FB and I feel my blood pressure rise and depressed. I don't know why exactly maybe its all the competition, reminders that others are better and happier, the drama, the rudeness of ppl. The ONLY reason why I've kept mine is there are a few ppl that I keep in touch with on fb and I like to see the posts of a FEW ppl. Maybe I should tell these ppl to email or text to stay in touch and delete my facebook. I feel its gotten so big and powerful that its not healthy.

- Smokies Hiker - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

I hate it! that's why I no longer use my facebook account very much.

- teeny-tinytwig049 - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

timeline and facebook in general is crap, but you can make it less annoying using cool browser extensions that negate many of facebooks annoyances, such as the highly rated FB Purity add-on: