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Is "Facebook Privacy Policy" an oxymoron? - Printable Version

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Is "Facebook Privacy Policy" an oxymoron? - phil8656 - 11-09-2012 10:00 AM

Isn't the whole idea behind Facebook to be public? How can anybody really expect any kind of privacy from such a hacker inspired creation?

- Moleculesâ„¢ - 11-09-2012 10:08 AM

C.I.A bragged about how they can use it for everyone's information.

The girl's father could have been a bit nicer to his daughter though those people can't be her friends if they are going to do stuff like that without saying first either.

- Crazyowl714 - 11-09-2012 10:08 AM

FB privacy is....slap policy on there & it is's just CYA - cover your donkey as it were.

- Its me - 11-09-2012 10:08 AM

Yahoo is the same way, they want you to share your answers on facebook...notice at the bottom of the screen when you type an answer, you can choose to have it shared on facebook and twitter?

My company scans facebook for info they can use to help them decide if you should be hired or fired.

I feel for the girl in the article. The only solution is to not use facebook. Parents would be smart to teach this kind of lesson to their kids early on. Maybe we should start a facebook page called "I don't use facebook" and sign up everyone we know, Lol Smile