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How do I secure my Facebook privacy settings? - Printable Version

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How do I secure my Facebook privacy settings? - lottie london - 11-09-2012 10:02 AM

Recently I viewed my account from someone else's who I wasn't friends with, and although I was sure my Facebook was secure and private - it really wasn't! You can't see my photos, family members, and status updates and home-town, but you CAN see all my likes, all my wall-posts and updates on my wall.

I can't find how I secure it! Please help, thanks x

- vader196 - 11-09-2012 10:10 AM

Go to your Facebook Homepage (Where the news feed is) and then click on the arrow pointing down in the upper right corner. (The arrow is to the right of"Find Friends".) Then click "Privacy Settings". There you can adjust who you want to see your posts and likes!