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Does he still like me? - Keeshia - 10-01-2012 01:06 PM

Wait, did he even like me at all? Okay, THIS IS GONNA BE LONG. But I would really appreciate your views HELP. Things are just confusing now, and I wanna clear things out. *hug* Here goes.

I just transferred to another college. I'm classmates with a guy, who's also a transferee. So in a class of 35, we were the only transferees. Kind of a common ground already, yeah? During the first days of school, I really admired how smart and leader-ish he was. I don't usually get easily impressed and intimidated with guys, but he was an exemption. I actually thought he was the oldest among us, he was that mature. After a few weeks, people started to tease us. His group of guy friends started teasing us all the time. One of my close guy friends in the class, spilled that this guy really does like me, because he confessed so himself. I didn't mind. I actually liked it. So we started texting, he got my number from on of our classmates. We texted often. But in school, we were sort of aloof. Probably because we might get more teased by our classmates. He had told me that whenever I ignore him in school, it hurts..Few weeks passed, and I fell for his sweetness. Thru text, I started to reciprocate his sweet words/gestures. It came to a point where we had pet names for each other, and we talked as if we were already together. On Twitter, he'd post stuff that I know was about me, and our classmates would again tease us. One time that we were texting, I forgot how it came here, but he asked me to say yes to make us "official." I answered if he wanted that to happen, he'd have to wait til graduation, because I want to focus on my studies. Then we changed the subject.. The sweet texts continued. In school, we sometimes hold hands for a split second, or he'd put his hand over my shoulder, or he'd brush my chin.. BUT he does this to our other classmates too. Though he never tells them the sweet things he tells me. Fast forward. His birthday came 2 weeks ago. Prior to this he had always asked me for hugs thru text--the emoticons. (petty, I know. LOL) He just gets all puppy lovey dovey whenever I do. So his birthday came, and I did something I never did to guys, unless they're family or CLOSE friends. Despite all teasings hovering in our class, though I try to shove our stuff away from the limelight as possible, I hugged and kissed him on the cheek in front of our several classmates. He was shocked, because we usually keep our distance in school. After I let go from hugging him, he held my hand for a while. Then I walked away to go home, I looked back and saw him staring in mid air with a tiny smile on his face. I texted him again, when I got home. I greeted him. Then we texted through out the day. My friend tweeted "We're better off this way." It's from a Maroon5 song, that is one of my faves. So I re-tweeted it. He replied ":)" to my tweet. Our friend asked what that smile meant, and he said I already know what that meant. I said, I don't know actually. And then I got it. He assumed I was referring to him in the tweet! He said I should text him if I wanna, and explain. So I said, that is was just from a favorite song, and that it wasn't him...blah blah. He said he did assume that it was him. So on with our sweetness again.. He was telling me about the gifts he got, and he has a favorite one. It was from one of our girl classmates, whom he's close to because they're in one group of friends, and they all live near each other. This girl is a small, smart, cutie kind of girl. Somebody told me that she likes him. Long before they even became close.She gave him a black jacket with his initials on it. He loved it. He posted about it on twitter. The exchanged I LOVE YOU's all the time. They hang out all the time. So one particular evening, I saw his post about the gift on twitter, just gushing over it. And just thanked her like she's his girlfriend or whatever. This somehow hit me differently. Since then, I don't reply much to his texts. Then I started to not reply at all. One of my closest girls in class also saw their convos on Twitter, and had the same understanding as mine. Also, this friend of mine was sort of in the same boat as I am. A guy is not even courting her, but he does like her and shows it. The difference is, this guy goes to her house just to give her her favorite milk tea, or goes to another city and back just to get her fave cupcakes. He often asks her to hang out. HE NEVER ASKED ME OUT. Even to lunch. So yes, now I'm keeping my distance. But I miss him terribly. And I somehow want closure. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

- Tigerbaby - 10-01-2012 01:14 PM

He wants a relationship now! Sounds like he really liked you before but I think he likes the other girl now. Hes losing feelings for you and its not helping that you wont answer his texts. Hes gonna think youre uninterested and move on completely. You NEED to talk to him.

- Lone Ranger. - 10-01-2012 01:14 PM

You are paying the price of having a relationship with a popular person.
Not much more can occur until graduation. It is now time for hard studies, not deep relationships.
It seems a pity, you have probably missed one very good man, but, the future is still to come, so I suggest that you leave the door open for him to come back.
Love seldom goes in straight lines.

- zarreff - 10-01-2012 01:14 PM

Sounds like he chose the other girl, maybe he likes her now? Or maybe she stole him...have you ever tried to initiate a one on one hangout with him? Maybe he was swayed to like her more because she put more effort into it. Just my opinion from what I read. Hope I helped!