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Is there anyway people can tell how often you look at their facebook profile? - Printable Version

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Is there anyway people can tell how often you look at their facebook profile? - Sgl - 11-09-2012 10:04 AM

I have a crush on an old friend who is now a friend on Facebook. I can't stop myself looking at his profile at all times of the day (you know what it's like!) But I don't want him to know. I know you can get a tracker on MySpace, is there anything similar on Facebook? Is there anyway he might be able to tell that I look at him a lot?

- Hello - 11-09-2012 10:12 AM

No, if you can't tell then why would they be able to. And as long as you don't sign up for that tracker on myspace, then they still cant tell. They only can tell your location

- jollytiger664 - 11-09-2012 10:12 AM


- facebook - 11-09-2012 10:12 AM

No. Data protection and privacy laws prevent anyone from accessing that information. The closest thing to that was an application called 'Profile Tracker' which was deleted a few months ago. But even 'Profile Tracker' only made guesses based on web-browsing traffic trends, similarities of interests, and combined that with data about people who were on facebook more often than others. Facebook stalk in peace. ;-)

- chubbyWizard488 - 11-09-2012 10:12 AM

ah thats the thing i dont like about facebook!! but oh well...i guess facebook just doesnt have it. you can look at what they last did on their profile at the minie-feed thing. so yah, i guess thats all you can do.

- aahmmdda - 11-09-2012 10:12 AM

Um . No they can't.
And I dont really think you can get a tracker on facebook , but i dont dont know.
Well, theres an application called 'Who Deleted You?' that tracks your friends and sees who deletes of removes you from their facebook friends.
But, as for the question, no they aren't able to.