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Dad cheating on mum??!? - Printable Version

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Dad cheating on mum??!? - mirabelle - 11-09-2012 10:04 AM

what do you think of these convos i found on his facebook(yes i know i should look at his messages but this is serious!):

my dad:thats a sexy profile pic u got there.makes me wanna hold u xxx

the woman:aww tnx that was at a wedding in u xx

qnd another convo:
my dad:i want the best for u and i will always find a place for you in my u

the woman:luv u too sweetie cant wait to see u on the 12th xxx

what do you think i should do?is my dad cheating on my mum??!

btw my parents are married and im a 13 year old mum is bipolar so i dont want to tell her because she would be very deppressed and ill.

no answers like:
"oh well u shouldnt have been snooping on your dads facebook"
or "tell your mum!"plz

- Annoyingsink246 - 11-09-2012 10:13 AM

That is really wrong of your dad to do that. Yes you shouldn't have been snooping but it's a good thing that you did. Just pull your mom aside and tell her that you think he is cheating on her. If she says "what makes you think that" then tell her about the facebook and then show her the messages. Then it will be between her and your dad. But you can ask her not to tell how she found out. Good luck.

- angel - 11-09-2012 10:13 AM

you keep asking this question

- Summa Rudis - 11-09-2012 10:13 AM

what kind of warped existence are you living that you feel prone to ask this same thing over and over again?

- wayland - 11-09-2012 10:13 AM

leave an anonymous note in his jacket so he finds it when he goes out. Something along the lines of "i know about you and such and such so dont meet her on the 12th or ill tell mom"!

- Mr Dhillon - 11-09-2012 10:13 AM

Personally I wouldn't go rushing to conclusions no matter how obvious it may seem. Instead of going directly to your mother and causing uneccessary upset, confront your father about what you found and take no crap from him.

- Megleigh - 11-09-2012 10:13 AM

Talk to your dad! He shouldn't be writing this to any other woman than your mum.
He will get annoyed/angry about you looking at his fb page, but whats done is done and it looks like it was a good thing to!
And I know you don't wanna tell your mum, but she needs to know. Tell your dad that if he doesn't sort this out, then you will. Even if you feel your mum shouldn't know, she has every right to be treated better than a cheat!

Think of it this way, if you had a bf and you found out he was cheating, wouldn't you prefer to know? Everyone deserves better than to be cheated on. She'd be better off without him.