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Being bullied nearly everyday, my school won't help me.? - Printable Version

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Being bullied nearly everyday, my school won't help me.? - hello there. - 11-09-2012 10:06 AM


I am being consistently bullied nearly everyday at my school. I has been going on for about a year and a bit now.

It started when my really good friend started self-harming and starving herself. It went on for about a couple of months and I was really starting to get worried about her because she was also suicidal. So I ended up telling the school nurse for advice... and well I told the school nurse what was happening and it went from there. I didn't know what happened after that except the girl who I told school about went to all of her AND my friends telling them that I made all of it up and stuff and made them hate me.
The first thing that happened was that all of my friends turned against me including her and they all picked on me etc. Then after about a couple of months, her new best friend physically assaulted me by dragging me to the floor and jumping on my shoulder about 7/10 times. Then just name calling and general stuff carried on.
more recently she has been stopping on the corridors and giving me evils etc. I have been telling my mum and she has phoned the headmaster about the problems which then the headmaster passed it down to our head of year. When my head of year interviewed us I told him about everything that had happened and he actually sounded supportive until he listened to the girl, the girl (the bully) told him lies that apparently I was bulling her and she was reacting to ME!
Well he did nothing except say to my mum that there are things on both sides of the argument!

I really need advice on how to finally put a stop to this, my school won't listen to me and won't help me! Plus her friends are winding me up in every lesson I have with them also winding me up on Facebook.
But I will say one thing good, one of the teachers that I have for ICT did say to me I shouldn't have to put up with it and he says he knows about the schools rules etc and there wrong, he only said that because it is a temp supply teacher.

Thank youSad

- dude - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

Talk to your parents and/or the police.

- D, The Writer - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

Record it... make sure there are witnesses. The school has to listen to you then. If not you can go to the press and give the school some serious problems that way.

- Chloe - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

I'm so sorry you had to go through this, I'm 14 and went through the same things a few years ago.

Unfortunately bullying is fairly common at all schools. To be honest you were right to tell on her-you possibly saved her life. And I think that she is bullying you to give her mind something else to focus on other than self harm and starvation.

My school also turned the blame on me-and made it look like I had started the whole thing and the bully was just reacting to my actions. I never did anything. My mum rushed to the school because I was locked in the toilets and I tested her saying "help they are gonna get me." so when she arrived I was told off because I has used my phone and that is against the rules in school..... Omg I was so cross-i thought I was gonna be hurt and at the time I couldn't think the school rules I was just worried for my safety. I went back to class the same day to get filthy looks from the whole class. Even my friends turned against me and didn't help me.

To be honest, I don't know how I did it. When people bring it up I still feel hurt by it even now, especially when they ask me why I told because apparently what that did was "nothing"

I made new friends and ignored anyone who wanted to hurt me. To be honest, these bullies have got to have pretty messed up lives to be wanting to do what they do. I know it's hard, but please make new friends. Honestly having someone that understands feels like a big relief. I ignored the school and tried to move on in my life. I was not going to bow down or move schools-that's what the bullies want and if anyone has to go, it's them. Not you or me. So that's my advice:I know that you know you are telling the truth and all that matters is that you know what happened has happened. It never leaves you, I can tell you that, but I'm in a much happier place now than ever before by simply ignoring them, holding my head up high and respecting myself in knowing that I'm right. You are right too xxx

Wish you all the best

- Paul - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

This sort of bullying happens to millions of kids around the world its a common thing for girls to be singled out and bullied like what you are going through. its just how girls are when they are at school very bitchy etc etc.

but as you are getting physically bullied it has to stop. if i was you i would ask your mom to go down to your school and demand to talk to your headteacher they will have to take action then

If it gets any worse it would be worth discussing with a family member and maybe threaten to call the police or actually call the police if the threat does not detour them.