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need guy advice: did i scare him away? - Printable Version

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need guy advice: did i scare him away? - Katelin - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

so i'm at college and i met this guy and he added me on facebook then asked for my number the next day and i thought that was kind of bold but i liked that he took it upon himself to get my number. so we txted almost everyday and he would txt me good morning and my friends and i had some suspicions that he liked me so when i asked him he said im not sure yet bc im not ready for a relationship. and he asked me back and i told him i didnt know yet either. but i do like him now and after we hungout one time with a group of people he started acting weird. i told him that i wanted to hangout again but 1 on 1 and he thought i was being sexual but i wasnt. so i asked him two times to hangout and he wouldnt never respond and i called him out on it and said "you dont want to" then at a football game i walked up to him when he was with his friends and he didnt really talk to me at all and pretty much ignored me so i ignored him when i saw him days after that until he said hey to me and that he would try to meet up with me later. he never did and he doesnt txt me ever really like he used to, i dont know wat i said or did but i feel like maybe i came on too strong by saying we should hangout and stuff. any advice?

- Kelly M - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

i don't think you scared him so much as turned him off.... you weren't talking about sexual stuff, when guys ask, typically they're hoping you are, and when you said you weren't he got disappointed, i think.... idk, that's what it sounds like to me

- worldwidescout - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

Unless we're missing something and you told him you love him, talked about wanting kids, or want to be exclusive or something, I don't think you came on too strong at all. It is possible that he is starting to really like you, that is scary for guys, and we'll often just put a stop to something before it starts to happen to avoid the possibility of future commitment headaches.

Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, sounds like he is having his own issues and you should prob just give him his space.

- Drops - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

It sounds like he's trying to fizzle out. This happens with guys sometimes, they just purely lose interest. There's no point reading into what you did or said too much. In the future, don't message if you get no reply, guys don't like to seem nagged or they see it as clingy. (Even though you just wanted to establish)
Move on, don't bother trying with him. If he realises he's interested he will contact you. Otherwise, play it cool, carry on with other stuff.
Good luck!