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Is it generally a bad idea to friend an old ex on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it generally a bad idea to friend an old ex on Facebook? - ♥ - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

We've been apart about a year. We had dated on & off for 4 years. I do not have lingering feelings but he might. I just miss being able to talk about stupid things sometimes & inside jokes, etc. We were also friends a long time besides dating. But I DO also know many people say it's no good to friend an ex. I am currently dating someone. Thanks for input! btw I am 25.

- April - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

I Don,t see a problem seeing that its just Facebook, you,ll probably find yourself cyber stalking him but that,s normal lol

- Derek - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

In general no and especially no if your currently dating somebody. Think of how your partner will feel..and how would you feel if your partner talked to their ex. But I guess if you be honest to your partner and tell them.about friending your ex and they were ok with it then friend your ex

- soupfine - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

Generally, it's not a good idea...all depends on how things went in your relationship. The last you thing you want is someone hanging around with hopes of something that isn't going to happen. The other thing is that sometimes people keep connections with exes as some kind of fall back or safety net...and that's no good and not fair to anyone. If something is over, it's over. Just trust your gut on what's for the best..