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What should I do and what can I do? - Printable Version

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- Cat Lover - 10-01-2012 01:35 PM

Facebook, Twitter and MySpace and all those sites are not the real world. People can be whoever and whatever they want to be on the internet. You don't even know this girl, and yet you say you really really really like her! You like what she's written, but you do not know her.

I suggest you quit fantasizing and come down to earth and start looking at the girls in your real world. I'm sure there are some nice girls that you can get to know in real life who are just as nice as you think this other girl is.

- bonnijar - 10-01-2012 01:35 PM

Boy, kid, do you have it bad ... this is called a crush. First, I want to say, if it truly is meant to be, it will be, but you have no control over how or when, you just have to wait. Second, crushes rarely turn into anything serious because even if you get together with that person there is no way they can live up to your unrealistic expectations created by "dreaming" about them. Third, if she is not responding to what you're putting out you will definitely make her disappear by pressuring her now. The only thing to do now is to retreat a bit and see if she makes a move toward you. Don't appear needy - nothing squashes a relationship like neediness. Fourth, this is a temporary thing. You are very young and you are just learning about relationships. There will be many girls you are attracted to along the way and one of them will be a great fit at the right time of your life. I'm not saying it isn't her, but the likelihood is very slim. You will have many moments of joy and distress in your career with the girls. Let me give you advice - it is not wise to put so much stock in "having" to have a particular relationship - you are setting yourself up for feelings of helplessness. Don't give any human being that kind of power in your life. It isn't healthy. Every single person you come to know will fail you at some time and you will fail them also - it is called being human and then sometimes relationships just don't click for whatever reason. If these failures or lack of connections devastate you, that is not a healthy sign at all. If it were really easy, relationships wouldn't be special. The way you can make the most of a relationship is to make the most of you and that means you have to spend a lot of time on yourself so you have something fantastic to offer others. Become a really great guy would knows himself and is happy to be who he is and can stand alone or be with someone special. I urge you to talk to someone about this and these feelings of suicide. Suicide really is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This is a great age and time to learn how to tackle those temporary problems and maybe even get some counseling - it is really cool, giving you someone to talk totally honest with and gain wisdom from their insight too. Talk to your parents or youth minister, close friends parents, grandparents, school counselor, teacher, pastor - anyone you think might be wise and able to lead you to solutions. Every single adult alive has had very similiar feeling you are experiencing now. I don't think you need to be embarrassed at all. Hang in their kid. Life is tough and we have to learn how to navigate it all but once we do, it is so great and it is so worth the effort to gain the abilities needed to handle it all. check out I am second.