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Please give me your best advice on what to do with this girl!! Please read? - Printable Version

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Please give me your best advice on what to do with this girl!! Please read? - Nicholas - 11-09-2012 10:07 AM

Hi so I'm a senior in high school and I met this girl through a church event where we went to a mission trip in Virginia. She is a junior and goes to a different school in the same area. We didn't really talk while on the trip, because I didn't know her and we weren't in the same group for anything.

Well anyway, when I got back home, she had added me on Facebook. I thought and still do think she is very pretty. She made a status on sayin bored, message me. So I did. We talked 4 or 5 times via text after I got her phone number after our first message conversation. I asked her if she would want to go get some food with me sometime for our first in person meeting. She said she would but in the next text said she was really busy and wouldn't know when it would work. Later that day she made a status saying how she wanted to avoid relationships because she was always hurting people. I decided to give her some space and haven't texted her for about month and a half now.

The point is, should I text her today to catch up, and maybe in a couple days ask again if she wants to meet up for food or something? I really think we can connect because we have a lot of similar interests spiritually and in school. Or should I move on and find someone else to talk to?

- Olumide - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

yeah man,u need2 contact her.girls that u truly connect with u should stay in touch.she will think ur mad at her & don't want to talk 2 her.ask her in detail what exacly does hurt mean.